Law School Library student orientation: From quizzes to bobbleheads
On September 20, the Harvard Law School Library hosted its ninth “Love Your Library Fest,” in which law students were introduced to the library by visiting various stations, including Historical & Special Collections, legal vendors and the reference desk—which offered a no-brainer “quiz” about commonly used library services.
“We hold our orientation later so that students can learn the services we provide in a relaxed and informal way,” said Meg Kribble, research librarian and outreach coordinator at the Law School Library. “The day isn’t about teaching research techniques; it’s more about showing the students that we’re approachable, knowledgeable and willing to help.” Other Law Library staff involved in organizing the event were Mindy Kent, manager of research services; Carli Spina, emerging technologies and research librarian; Lori Schulsinger, collection development coordinator; Terri Saint-Amour, librarian for foreign, comparative and international law; and Gail Harris, staff assistant.
Kribble also mentioned that showing off some of the items in their Historical & Special Collections—ranging from a Magna Carta to a Supreme Court Justice bobblehead doll—helps make students aware of the variety of items available in the library’s collection. There was also a station at which visitors made suggestions on how to use vacant areas of the microform room and a station on the “Free the Law” project, which aims to make case reports free and publically available.
Brian Sutton, access services specialist, and Kyle Courtney, manager of scholarly research and faculty support, dressed as justices for the occasion—complete with wigs and an enormous gavel.