Kempner Institute announces new research programs in intelligence for undergrads

Undergraduate students participating in KURE and KRANIUM will have access to the Kempner computational cluster, community events, and programming, including Kempner meetings and lectures.
Aman Kaleem/Kempner Institute
The Kempner Institute for the Study of Natural and Artificial Intelligence at Harvard is pleased to announce the launch of academic year and summer research programs to support Harvard College undergraduates interested in pursuing research related to the study of intelligence.
The Kempner Undergraduate Research Experience (KURE) will award undergraduate students funding for term-time research supervised by Kempner-affiliated faculty during the fall and spring semesters of the academic year. Students participating in the program will have access to Kempner community events and programming, as well as to the Kempner computational cluster. KURE is currently accepting applications and will award students funding beginning in the spring of 2024.
The Kempner Research in Artificial & Natural Intelligence for Undergraduates with Mentorship (KRANIUM) is a 10-week residential summer program designed to provide a small cohort of undergraduates with formative research experience under the supervision of a Kempner-affiliated faculty member. The program, a part of the Harvard Summer Undergraduate Research Village (HSURV), will provide students with a summer living stipend, housing, and a partial boarding/dining plan, as well as access to rich social and academic programming.
Eligible projects for both programs will investigate the foundations of intelligence, including mathematical and computational models of intelligence, cognitive theories of intelligence, and the neurobiological basis of intelligence, as well as the scientific and engineering study of applications of artificial intelligence.
To be eligible for either program, students must find a research position with a Kempner-affiliated faculty member prior to application. More information about KURE and KRANIUM can be found on the Kempner Institute website.