HILT Scholar to Practitioner Speaker Series to feature Chinmay Kulkarni
Carnegie Mellon University’s Chinmay Kulkarni will discuss his research with the Human-Computer Interaction Institute and advances in the science of learning in a talk titled “Structuring Peer Interactions for Massive Scale Learning” on Oct. 26 at 4:30 p.m. in William James Hall Room 105.
Learning with peers helps students reflect, generalize knowledge, and apply it more successfully to new problems. How can we scale successful peer learning from the controlled environment of the small classroom to the wild, massive scale of online classes? In his talk, Kulkarni will introduce computational systems that structure peer learning at massive scale, and demonstrate their efficacy through the results of randomized controlled experiments with more than 10,000 students.
Kulkarni is an assistant professor in the Human-Computer Interaction Institute at Carnegie Mellon University. His research group investigates how new software and pedagogical systems can leverage peer processes at massive scale. Over the past three years, his work has been used by more than 100,000 learners online, in classes taught by more than 20 universities, including Harvard. In his idle time, is either making coffee, drinking coffee, or clicking “View Source” on Web pages he visits.
This event is open to the Harvard community.