Help select Smith Campus Center furniture
Renovations are continuing on the Richard A. and Susan F. Smith Campus Center, and work is on schedule for a targeted completion date of fall 2018. The project is an important element of President Drew Faust’s common spaces vision — one that brings together students, faculty, and staff as a community in new and exciting ways.
Your ongoing feedback has been most valuable in helping us to shape the vision and plans for the campus center. You are invited to share your thoughts on the furniture under consideration for fitting out the new center.
We hope to select furniture that will best support the many activities that will take place at the campus center, including events, meetings, studying, eating and relaxing; and we want your opinion. Please sign up to view, test out, and evaluate the furniture in sessions to be held Oct. 11–21 in our “showroom,” at the Smith Campus Center, located at 1344 Massachusetts Ave., opposite Harvard Yard. Sessions are available at various times throughout the day. Food and beverages will be provided for all participants.
To register for a session, please visit: