
Harvard Leadership Conference begins this Saturday

1 min read

The Harvard Leadership Conference is the only conference to be sponsored by the Harvard Graduate Council, the official student government for Harvard’s 12 graduate and professional schools. This year’s conference will be held at Harvard’s beautiful Northwest Science Building on Sat., March 9.

The conference has a unique format in that the attendees have a chance to work on real life questions with the invited experts in their field, making this a truly hands-on experience. Working across countries and cultures, disciplines and differences, finding common ground, breaking barriers, and moving forward through collaborative and meaningful partnerships are the skills necessary and crucial in leadership. The 2013 Harvard Leadership Conference: Collaboration Across Cultures intends to be both a physical and virtual environmental space in which the Harvard graduate community will be exposed to and actively engage in the foundations and practice of collaborative leadership skills. As in previous years, due to limited capacity and a desire to ensure equitable representation from each graduate school, participation from each school is being capped based on the number of students each school has in proportion to the entire graduate student body.

For more information.