
Call for proposals: Harvard Global Health Institute Scholarly Working Groups

2 min read

The Harvard Global Health Institute (HGHI) announced it is now accepting new proposals for Scholarly Working Groups (SWG) in Global Health from faculty across Harvard and its affiliated hospitals. The program aims to create a collaborative environment to promote inter-faculty gatherings where faculty can explore or accelerate research areas in topics critical to the advancement of “Health for All.” Through the SWGs, HGHI has helped catalyze ideas, inspire the writing of grants, policy briefs, and working papers, and build networks to advance a body of work to contribute to a critical shift in a scientific or a policy agenda. 

HGHI will provide funding of up to $20,000 through a competitive process to a limited number of working groups each award cycle. Each working group is expected to have an activity calendar that does not exceed 12 months. HGHI will also provide overall project management support, administrative support for meetings or convenings, and hiring research or project assistants. 

With a mission to advance interfaculty collaboration, the working group must consist of two or more members (not including the faculty lead) and must represent different disciplines. Typically, this means representation from at least two different Harvard Schools. Each group will define its methodology and outcomes through a work plan and budget to be agreed upon by HGHI. Priority will be given to working groups that generate innovative interdisciplinary objectives and engage with impacted communities. 

The deadline for submission is April 30. More information is available on the Submission Guidelines webpage.