Awardees announced for Lemann Brazil Research Fund
The Office of the Vice Provost for Research and the Office of the Vice Provost for International Affairs are pleased to announce the 2019 awardees of the Lemann Brazil Research Fund.
“We are particularly excited about the breadth of disciplines comprising this year’s awardee cohort,” said Vice Provost for Research and Professor of Materials Science and Engineering Rick McCullough. “We feel it demonstrates the interest across the University in conducting research in Brazil and showcases the impressive collaborations between Harvard faculty and Brazilian colleagues.”
Established in 2016 by a generous gift from the Lemann Foundation, the Lemann Brazil Research Fund supports Brazil-related research in all areas related to education, as well as research in any other disciplinary area undertaken with a Brazilian colleague.
This year’s awarded projects are:
- “Preparing Brazilian Engineering Students for the Data-Driven Economy” by Flavio Calmon, assistant professor in the John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences with collaborator José Cândido Silveira Santos Filho, Universidade Estadual de Campinas
- “Tackling Stereotypes to Encourage Brazilian Math Talent” by Michela Carlana, assistant professor at the Harvard Kennedy School with co-investigators Raissa Rabregas, University of Texas at Austin and Diana Moreire, University of California, Davis, and with collaborator Felipe C. R. Lima, University of São Paulo
- “Records of ancient rainfall from cave deposits: A combined research campaign and field course” by Roger Fu, assistant professor of earth and planetary sciences in the Faculty of Arts and Sciences and co-investigator Ricardo Ivan Trindade, University of São Paulo
- “Does Zika infection accelerate neuronal aging and death: Novel aging clocks to monitor the earlier onset of pathologies of the nervous systems” by Bernardo Lemos, associate professor at the T.H. Chan School of Public Health with collaborator Raquel da Hora Barbosa, Universidade Federal Fluminense
- “Identifying T cell epitopes in Plasmodium vivax” by Judy Lieberman, professor of pediatrics and adjunct professor of genetics at Harvard Medical School with co-investigator Caroline Junqueira, Instituto Rene Rachou/Fundação Oswaldo Cruz
- “Testing the Impact of a Low-Cost, Evidence-Based, and Scalable Approach to Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) in Brazilian Early Childhood Settings” by Dana McCoy, assistant professor at the Harvard Graduate School of Education with co-investigators Stephanie Jones, Harvard Graduate School of Education, and Alexandra Brentani, University of São Paulo, and collaborators Ana Luiza Raggio Colagrossi, Instituto D’Or de Pesquisa e Ensino, and Rebecca Bailey, Jennifer Kahn and Sonya Temko, all of the Harvard Graduate School of Education
- “Aprender a Estudar: Supporting fourth-grade teachers to prepare lifelong readers and learners” by Paola Uccelli, professor at the Harvard Graduate School of Education with co-investigators Beatriz Cardoso, Laboratório de Educação and Daniel Domingues Dos Santos, University of São Paulo, Ribeirão Preto, and with collaborator Nicole Paulet, Laboratório de Educação