A composite image of photos from the week's news.

Photo illustration by Liz Zonarich/Harvard Staff

Campus & Community

4 things we learned this week

1 min read

How closely have you been following the Gazette? Take our quiz to find out.

AI is already changing the job market; doctors are people too; the digital divide is about more than internet access; support for the rule of law goes beyond merely not breaking it.

1. A new Business School study shows urban-rural gaps in the use of which of the following digital tools?
2. Economists examining more than 100 years of employment trends found a nearly 50 percent increase in which field’s share of the job market since 2010?
3. Editors of “Becoming a Better Physician” say they were inspired by what trend to ask clinicians to speak candidly about their work?
4. According to legal and political philosopher Jeremy Waldron, which of the following is a key responsibility of citizens in upholding the rule of law?