A week of firsts, and the first of a last

Professor Katherine Merseth introduces her General Education class “Equity and Excellence in K12 American Schools.”
Photo by Scott Eisen
Harvard comes back to life as students settle into their seats
Classrooms across the College came back to life last week with the start of the new academic year. Students found their way to seminar rooms, labs, and lecture halls for courses that met Gen Ed requirements, served their concentration studies, or simply piqued their interest.
Professor Katherine Merseth had her last first day teaching the popular Gen Ed 1076, “Equity and Excellence in K12 American Schools,” to 75 students chosen from a lottery of 385. “I just love teaching it. There so much to talk about,” said Merseth, who will retire from teaching the course after this semester.
The week also celebrated some faculty’s first first day. Gordon McKay Professor of Computer Science and Statistics Sham Kakade made his Harvard debut in “Introduction to Reinforcement Learning” with Lucas Janson, while Mashtots Professor of Armenian Studies Christina Maranci led a first discussions on the “Art and Culture of Armenia.”

A student uses a phone to answer a class-wide question and Garrett Nitz ’25 participates in the first session of “Equity and Excellence in K12 American Schools.”
Photos by Scott Eisen

Christina Maranci, Mashtots Professor of Armenian Studies, describes the country’s geography.
Photo by Scott Eisen
Will Engelmayer ’23 asks a question during the first session of “Art and Culture of Armenia.”
Photo by Scott Eisen

Professor Alison Glassie outlines her course “Atlantic Narratives and the Making of the Modern World.”
Photo by Scott Eisen

Angela Allan’s “Con Artist Nation: Scams, Schemes, and American Dreams” examines the conditions of American capitalism and political populism that gave way to a society of schemers and dupes. Esther Kim ’26 (left) and Connor Riordan ’23 participate during class in the Barker Center.
Stephanie Mitchell/Harvard Staff Photographer

Anne Bloomer ’23 participates during “Con Artist Nation: Scams, Schemes, and American Dreams.” Paul Sullivan ’23 (left) and Matilda Marcus ’24 present their group ideas in Angela Allan’s class
Photos by Stephanie Mitchell/Harvard Staff Photographer

Assistant Professor Lucas Janson teaches a course on the introduction to reinforcement learning and artificial intelligence.
Photo by Scott Eisen
Rodney Lafuente-Mercado ’23 asks a question during a course on the introduction to reinforcement learning and AI.
Photo by Scott Eisen

“Constructions of Gender, Sexuality, and the Family in South Asian Cultures” provides a comprehensive historical overview of gender issues as represented in the great textual traditions of South Asia. Harvard Professor Martha Selby (pictured) meets with her class.
Stephanie Mitchell/Harvard Staff Photographer

Michelle LaBonte teaches “A History of Medicine Through Patient Voices.” This History of Science course uses patient accounts as a starting point to examine medicine from the early 20th century to today. Sarah Yang ’23 (pictured) takes notes during class in Sever Hall.
Stephanie Mitchell/Harvard Staff Photographer

Aseelah Ashraf ’24 and Aaron Shirley ’24 participate in “A History of Medicine Through Patient Voices.”
Photos by Stephanie Mitchell/Harvard Staff Photographer

Illustrations are projected during “A History of Medicine Through Patient Voices” in Sever Hall.
Stephanie Mitchell/Harvard Staff Photographer