Jessica Chang, who expects to graduate Harvard Divinity School in 2022, bases her practice on “The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali,” which explains that, “The yoga posture should be strong and comfortable.” Chang says, “You want to be focused and stable, and soft and effortless. I try to remember this is true not just on the mat, but in every act I take: as student, colleague and friend, spiritual care provider, as seeker of truth. It’s hard, but I do my best!”
Photos by Kris Snibbe/Harvard Staff Photographer
The serendipity of solitude
In small ways and large, Harvard practices mindfulness
A breath of fresh air, meditation, or a yoga stretch during a “sun salutation” are simple ways to center yourself during challenging times. These images give fresh perspectives and insights into mindfulness practice in our community. Hellen Keller, who was the first woman to receive an honorary degree from Harvard in 1955, shares her profound knowledge in this verse: “The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched — they must be felt with the heart.”

Jessica Chang, wearing prayer beads and a smart phone watch, says on weekends she practices an electronics-free “weekly digital Sabbath.”

Ashley McCray, a Class of ’22 student at Harvard Business School, takes a break at 1 Western Ave. in between classes and tennis. McCray created a mindfulness start-up app called The Only Convoy. “In 2019, mindfulness become my primary focus. I realized I had been chasing my professional aspirations for so long that I lost sight of what fulfilled me as a person. I forgot what made me happy; and I learned that I wasn’t alone” — 86 percent of Americans are unhappy, she said. McCray’s app works to “personalize happiness” according to what is important to you, your guiding values, and how are your goals align to them. “We help users pinpoint their values, create a plan, and set goals that lead to a better them; on their terms, not external benchmarks,” said McCray.

Jeromel Dela Rosa Lara ’23 collects leaves to share with friends at the Radcliffe Quadrangle. Ralph Waldo Emerson expressed the sense of equipoise that he discovered in the Walden Woods with, “What lies behind you and what lies in front of you pales in comparison to what lies inside you.” Marisa Sumathipala ’22 relaxes near a bed of daffodils at Leverett House. She learned mindfulness in a class at the Harvard Wellness Center, where she takes “Koru Mindfulness for Harvard Students.” Koru Mindfulness® is an evidence-based curriculum designed for teaching mindfulness, meditation, and resiliency to college students and other young adults. The course teaches meditation, breathing exercises, guided imagery, and body-scan exercises to help people manage stress and enrich their lives.

Tresor Nshimiye ’24, Philips Brooks House Association programming chair, practices his faith at the Harvard Catholic Student Center. Nshimiye plans to start a nonprofit organization in the future and currently volunteers to help at-risk communities with PBHA. A student hits the books at Widener Library in Harvard Yard.