Rose Lincoln/Harvard file photo
Corporation Committee on Shareholder Responsibility releases report
Digital media content management among new topics addressed
The 2018 Annual Report of the Corporation Committee on Shareholder Responsibility (CCSR), a subcommittee of the President and Fellows, is now available on the Shareholder Responsibility Committees’ website.
The report provides a detailed description of the CCSR’s actions on shareholder proposals regarding issues of social responsibility that came to vote during the 2018 spring proxy voting season (the period between March and June when most publicly traded corporations hold annual meetings). This year, the committees considered 38 proposals dealing with issues of social responsibility that were addressed to corporations whose securities were owned directly by Harvard. Issues raised through the proxy process this year included corporate political contributions and lobbying; executive compensation; labor standards; human rights; equal employment; and corporate environmental reporting and practices on issues including greenhouse gas emissions and sustainability reporting.
New topics addressed in 2018 included digital media content management and fair tax policy.
The CCSR receives advice from the Advisory Committee on Shareholder Responsibility, a 12-member committee made up of Harvard faculty, students, and alumni.