Harvard’s Commencement Exercises will be held in Tercentenary Theatre on May 24.
Kris Snibbe/Harvard File Photo
Guidelines for Harvard’s 367th Commencement
A special notice about ticketing and scheduling
Since 1642, with just nine graduating students, Harvard’s Commencement Exercises have brought together the community unlike any other tradition still observed in the University. Degree candidates with family and friends, faculty and administrators who supported them, and alumni from around the world are anticipated to participate in our 367th Commencement Exercises this spring (May 24). To accommodate the increasing number of people planning to attend, we ask that any interested readers carefully review the guidelines governing ticketing, regalia, security precautions, and other important details, which are available online at https://commencement.harvard.edu/ticket-information.
Commencement Day Overview — May 24
The Morning Exercises begin when the academic procession is seated in Tercentenary Theatre. Three student orators deliver addresses, and the dean of each School introduces the candidates for their respective degrees, which the president then confers. Toward the conclusion of the ceremony the graduating seniors are asked to rise, and their degrees are conferred on them as a group by the president. Honorary Degrees are then conferred before the Exercises are adjourned.
Diploma-granting ceremonies and luncheons: Graduates and their guests return to their respective undergraduate Houses or graduate and professional Schools. Harvard and Radcliffe College alumni/ae who have celebrated their 50th Reunion are invited to join the Tree Spread luncheon, while all other alumni may pre-purchase tickets for boxed lunches at the Alumni Spread in Harvard Yard.
The Afternoon Program features an address by Harvard President Drew Faust and the Commencement speaker. Officially called the Annual Meeting of the Harvard Alumni Association, this program includes the Overseer and HAA director election results, presentations of the Harvard Medal, and remarks by the HAA president.