Video: Director and Editor, Ned Brown; Cinematography by Joe Sherman and Kai-Jae Wang/Harvard Staff
Big dogs on campus
They can’t take out the trash or do the dishes, but a recent Harvard Medical School report suggests that dogs — including those living with their owners in Harvard’s Houses — can have a very healthy influence on their fellow residents.
The report, titled “Get Healthy, Get a Dog,” highlights the many health and social benefits of having a dog, including reducing stress, becoming more active, and promoting social connections.
While students are not allowed to bring their own dogs to campus, select residents such as proctors, resident tutors, and Housemasters are allowed to welcome certain types of pets.
Here we meet a few prominent members of Harvard’s canine community, and learn from Elizabeth Pegg Frates, clinical assistant professor at the Medical School, how they might be a wonderful addition to any community.