Fairbank Center aids student research
The Fairbank Center for Chinese Studies supports graduate and undergraduate students in advancing their Chinese language skills and conducting research focused on China-related topics.
In 2012-13 the Fairbank Center assisted the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences in providing three dissertation completion grants to doctoral students pursuing research on China in various disciplines. The center also provides graduate student grants for conference travel, language study, and dissertation research. For undergraduates, the Fairbank Center provides grants for student organizations, optional winter term experiences, language study, and summer research.
The generosity and foresight of many donors have made the student grants possible by establishing funds such as the Desmond and Whitney Shum Fellowship, Elise Fay Hawtin Travel and Research Fund, Fairbank Center Challenge Grant, Harvard Club of the Republic of China Fellowship Fund, Jeffrey Gu Memorial Fund for Study in Taiwan, John King and Wilma Cannon Fairbank Undergraduate Summer Travel Grants, Leila F. Sobin Summer Travel Grant, and Liang Qichao Travel Fund.
For more about student support and programs at the Fairbank Center.