Bok Center interim Director Terry Aladjem (right) presents an award to Ioanna Tourkochoriti, a teaching assistant in social studies, as GSAS Dean Allan Brandt (left) looks on.
Photo by Marlon Kuzmick/Derek Bok Center
Bok Center honors 510
Excellence and distinction in teaching were acknowledged
The Derek Bok Center for Teaching and Learning and the Faculty of Arts and Sciences’ deans of undergraduate education awarded an unprecedented 510 certificates of distinction on Oct. 26 at Harvard’s Center for Government and International Studies.
“This is a huge vote of confidence for Harvard teaching fellows, lecturers, preceptors, TAs [teaching assistants], and CAs [course assistants] — and for teaching at Harvard in general,” said the center’s interim director Terry Aladjem.
Based on a score of 4.5 or better in the “overall” category, 36 recipients received awards for multiple courses, and 53 got perfect “5”s in that category. The two awards given include the traditional Harvard University Certificate of Distinction in Teaching, awarded to 370 teaching fellows, teaching assistants, and course assistants, and the Harvard University Certificate of Teaching Excellence, now given to lecturers and preceptors. 97 were awarded this year.
“These awards affirm Harvard’s deep commitment to outstanding and creative teaching,” said Graduate School of Arts and Sciences Dean Allan Brandt. “We have come here today to honor the critical, conscientious, and brilliant teaching that is done by our graduate students, teaching assistants, and other instructors who contribute so greatly to our goal of making Harvard College a truly great learning environment.”
For a list of award recipients, visit the Bok Center’s website.