Alums receive Hiram Hunn Award
Each year the Harvard Admissions Office honors some of its most loyal and longtime volunteers in schools committee work all over the globe. The Hiram Hunn Award recognizes alumni and alumnae who have been especially effective in their interviewing and club work and for their unusual longevity. The contributions these women and men make to the admissions process are invaluable.
The award is named in honor of Hiram S. Hunn, Class of 1921, who performed schools committee work for 55 years — 30 in Iowa and 25 in Vermont.
The 2010 winners are D. Donald Peddie ’41 of Minneapolis; Clifford W. Erickson ’58 of Minnetonka, Minn.; Michael H. Popernik ’59 of New York; Christopher T. Bayley ’60, Seattle; Robert C. Fazio ’71 of Ridgefield, Conn.; Warren C. Reed ’71 of Pittsboro, N.C. and Halifax, Nova Scotia; Terry Kay Bargar and Richard M. Bargar ’72 of Andover, Mass.; and Enid Llort ’79 and Michael W. Stewart ’79 of Ponte Vedra Beach, Fla.