Kris Snibbe/Harvard Staff Photographer
Return to Harvard Day
Harvard Rituals
Beyond touring the campus, sampling public service programs, and attending courses and colloquiums, Return to Harvard Day was about reimmersion into the fabric of everyday life in the Harvard community for 250 alumni and alumnae.
Robert S. Blacklow ’55, senior lecturer in the Department of Global Health and Social Medicine at Harvard Medical School, said of the April 7 sessions, “I was impressed by the diversity, vitality, and genuine enthusiasm of both the student body and the faculty.”
Bill Alden ’50, M.B.A. ’52, said, “My granddaughter Kristina and my son Lincoln were very excited by seeing Harvard through my old eyes and the comparatively new eyes of Harvard youth. The lectures and campus tours were just great. The beat for excellence goes on.”
Eeke de Milliano ’11, a Crimson Key Society tour guide, said she received many insights from the alumni, adding, “This was definitely one of my favorite tours I had ever given. … What made it special was that when I was talking about the history of Harvard, I was telling it to people who had actually lived and made that history.”
Returning to Harvard Day Kris Snibbe/Harvard Staff Photographer

It’s a bird! It’s a plane! It’s …
Return to Harvard Day! Eeke de Milliano ’11 of the Crimson Key Society leads a tour of Harvard Yard with alumni from classes ’40, ’45, ’50, ’55, ’65, ’70, ’75, ’80, ’85, ’90, ’95, ’00, and ’05.

Songs in the key of Harvard
In the organist’s mirror inside the Memorial Church, alumni join the Harvard University Choir for a ditty or two.

School’s in
James Dineen ’60 (from left) and wife Dolly speak with Matthew Platt, assistant professor of government, whose lecture “Introduction to Congress” was given as part of Return to Harvard Day.

Kitty Rush ’56 shares a laugh with Phyllis Fallon, an accounting assistant at Phillips Brooks House Association.

Return to Lowell House
Bill Alden ’50 (second from right) lunches at the Lowell House Dining Hall with his son Lincoln Alden (far right) and granddaughter Katrina Alden (third from right). He’s joined by Siri Uotila ’10 and Lauren Schumacher ’10, who are just a few weeks shy of becoming alumni themselves.