Rockefeller Center awards internship grants
With a record number of applicants numbering more than 100, the David Rockefeller Center for Latin American Studies (DRCLAS) has awarded more than 70 internship grants to Harvard undergraduate and graduate students. The center’s internship coordinator helps students take advantage of DRCLAS’ contacts to find an internship that best meets their interests. Students are then invited to apply for a DRCLAS summer internship grant, as are those students who find internships on their own.
The following students, including their concentration and internship organization, will intern in Argentina:
Edward Couch ’05, government, Fundación Poder Ciudadano; Luciano Garcia Gonzalez ’04, Harvard Business School (HBS),; Sophie Gonick ’05, history, Fundación Poder Ciudadano in the Información Cívica department; Jeslyn Miller ’05, social studies and religion, Center for the Implementation of Public Policies for Equity and Growth (CIPPEC); Douglas Mullicken ’05, history and literature, Buenos Aires Herald; Jaynie Randall ’03, HBS, Buenos Aires Herald; and Christopher Smallwood ’05, physics, Buenos Aires Herald.
The following students will conduct their internships in Brazil:
Leticia Braga ’03, Harvard Graduate School of Education (GSE), international education, Nós no cinema film school; Dominique Elie ’05, history and literature, Viva Rio in the Department of Human Rights and Public Safety; Dawn Fraser ’04, Kennedy School of Government (KSG), master of public policy, Justiça Global; Virginia Marie Garmendia ’06, Romance languages and literature, Balcão de Direitos – Viva Rio; Zachary Liscow ’05, environmental science and public policy, Reserva Ecológica do Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística & Departamento de Engenharia Florestal, Universidade de Brasilia; Aaron Mihaly ’05, government, Voluntários das Gerais (Belo Horizonte); Marcos Monteiro ’04, KSG, master of public administration and international development, Brazil Ministry of Planning, Budget and Management; Renee Paradise ’04, biochemistry, Imperial College London (6 weeks) and Escola de Saúde Pública de Ceará; (2 weeks); and André Perosa ’04, KSG, master of public administration and international development, International Finance Corp.
The following students will conduct their internships in Chile:
Getinet Bantayehu ’05, English, Fundación Prohumana; Joaquin Blaya ’06, Harvard Medical School (HMS), Sociedad Pro Ayuda del Nino Lisiado; Kelsey Corlett ‘ 05, romance languages and literature, Casa de la Paz; Tarayn Grizzard ‘ 05, HMS, Universidad de Chile (at the CEMERA clinic); Kate Hurowitz ‘ 04, KSG, master of public policy, Catholic University of Chile; Melissa Lygizos ‘ 05, neurobiology, Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad Cató lica de Chile; Alyssa Shell ‘ 05, social studies, Pontificia Universidad Cató lica de Chile; and Callie Watkins ‘ 05, spanish and psychology, Centro de Investigació n y Desarrollo de la Educació n (CIDE).
The following students will conduct their internships in Costa Rica:
Scott Abram ‘ 04, economics, World Teach Costa Rica; Michelle Chun ‘ 05, social studies, WorldTeach Costa Rica; Jessica Isaacs ‘ 05, history and science, WorldTeach Costa Rica; Mary Jirmanus ‘ 05, social studies, EARTH University; Eve Marson ‘ 04, linguistics, Cross-Cultural Solutions; Ethan Murray ‘ 05, physics, Organization of Tropical Studies; and Charlene Music ‘ 05, visual and environmental studies, National Children’ s Hospital in San José .
Christina Hip-Flores ‘ 04, KSG, master in public policy, will conduct her internship at Catholic Relief Services in the Dominican Republic.
The following students will conduct their internships in Guatemala:
Henry Micheal Rosenberg ‘ 05, social studies, Canadian Embassy in Guatemala City; and Senovio Shish ‘ 05, environmental science and public policy, Parque Ecoló gico Nueva Juventud San André s.
Alexis Ritvo ‘ 05, social anthropology, will conduct her internship at AMIGOS de las Amé ricas in Texas and Honduras.
The following students will conduct their internships in Mexico:
Ashkan Abbey ‘ 05, biology, Centro para los Adolescentes de San Miguel de Allende, A.C.; Peter Banwarth ‘ 06, government, Coordinació n General de Desarrollo Econó mico Regional; Emily Blumberg ‘ 04, history and literature, Mexfam (Fundació n Mexicana para la Planeació n Familiar); Maria Teresa Cavero Gomez ‘ 04, master of public policy, Office for Public Policies of the Executive Office of the President of Mexico; Gabriel Chodorow-Reich ‘ 05, social studies, Ministry of Economic Development in Puebla; Carol da Silva ‘ 06, GSE, international education, Coordinació n General de Educació n Intercultural Bilingü e; Carolyn Davies ‘ 04, applied mathematics, Vector Servicios Financieros; Zachary Ferreira ‘ 05, Harvard Law School (HLS), Barrera Siqueiros Torres Landa; Rocí o Garza ‘ 05, Hispanic studies, Unió n de Empresarios para la Tecnologí a en la Educació n, A.C.; Oliver Harper ‘ 04, social studies, Comunidad A.C.; Jess Maki ‘ 04, BHUMI Casa de los Adolescentes in San Miguel de Allende; Alicia Menendez ‘ 05, women’ s studies, Oficina del Gobernador de Tamaulipas en Nuevo Leó n y Consejero Econó mico; Priscilla Orta ‘ 05, history, Casa de los Amigos, A.C.; Cristian Quijada Torres ‘ 04, master in public administration in international development, Corporació n Internacional Hidalgo; Silvia Romero-Contreras ‘ 06, GSE, human development and psychology, Salud Integral Para la Mujer; Julia Sheketoff ‘ 04, social studies, Comunidad, A.C.; and Ondrej Staviscak Diaz ‘ 05, government, El Universal.
The following students will conduct their internships in Peru:
Jordan Bar Am ‘ 04, Near Eastern languages and civilizations, Waman Wasi Center; Melissa Dell ‘ 05, economics, Foundation for Sustainable Development; Alrick Edwards ‘ 04, economics, Adventist Development and Relief Agency; Kerry Houlihan ‘ 05, religion, Fundació n Custer; and Elly Page ‘ 05, history and literature, ProNaturaleza.
Andrew Crespo ‘ 05, social studies, will conduct his internship at Sapientis in Puerto Rico.
Tanya Perkins ‘ 04, economics, will conduct her internship at the U.S. Embassy in Suriname.
The following students will conduct their internships in the United States:
Larry Borges ‘ 04, environmental science and public policy, Empowering Others International; Megan Gavin ‘ 03, GSE, international education, OAS-DRCLAS USDE in Washington, D.C.; Elizabeth Gewurtz ‘ 04, KSG, master in public policy, OAS-DRCLAS USDE; Jennifer Hawkins ‘ 04, economics, U.S. Department of State, Washington, D.C. and the U.S. Embassy in Mexico; Silke Heuser ‘ 03, GSE, international education, OAS-DRCLAS USDE; Jenny Jacobs ‘ 03, GSE, international education, OAS-DRCLAS USDE; Lizelda Lopez ‘ 03, KSG, master of public policy, OAS-DRCLAS USDE; Mika Morse ‘ 05, social studies, Pan American Health Organization, Washington, D.C.; Alejandra Pallais ‘ 03, GSE, international education, OAS-DRCLAS USDE; Kendrinna Rodriguez ‘ 03, KSG, master of public policy; OAS-DRCLAS USDE; Maria Luisa Romero ‘ 04, government, Organization of American States (OAS); Alvaro Santos ‘ 05, HLS, World Bank; Jaclyn Shull ‘ 04, government, OAS; Rebecca Smullin ‘ 06, KSG, political and economic development, Subcommittee on Immigration, Minority Office; and Ilana Umansky ‘ 03, GSE, international education.