AAAS announces 11 Harvard fellows
Faculty elected into world’s largest general scientific society
The American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) has awarded 11 Harvard faculty members the distinction of being named an AAAS Fellow today (Dec. 17).
Founded in 1848, AAAS is the world’s largest general scientific society and elects leaders in the sciences, the humanities and the arts, business, public affairs, and the nonprofit sector. Election as a fellow is an honor bestowed upon AAAS members by their peers.
AAAS Fellows for 2009 include:
Eric Chivian, Harvard Medical School (HMS), for contributions to understanding the human health consequences of global environmental change and for elaborating policies to address this problem.
Catherine Dulac, Faculty of Arts and Sciences (FAS), for her contributions to the molecular biology of pheromone detection and signaling in mammals, and to the neural mechanisms underlying sex-specific behaviors.
Scott V. Edwards, FAS, for distinguished contributions to the field of biology, particularly for discoveries about the evolutionary biology of birds.
Paul R. Epstein, HMS, for contributions to understanding the links between climate change and health, and for the education of students, business leaders, and policymakers regarding healthy solutions to these problems.
Alfred L. Goldberg, HMS, for distinguished contributions in the field of cell biology, particularly in protein turnover.
Alyssa A. Goodman, FAS, for distinguished contributions to the field of star formation, particularly the physics of molecular cloud cores, and for fostering public engagement in astronomical science.
Laurie Glimcher, Harvard School of Public Health (HSPH), for her work characterizing the molecular pathways that regulate CD4 T helper cell development and activation.
Lene V. Hau, FAS, for distinguished contributions to the field of interactions between atoms and light, especially for the achievement of “slow light” in dilute cold atomic gases.
Gökhan Hotamisligil, HSPH, for distinguished contributions to the field of metabolic regulation: its implications for human health and novel translational approaches to treat common chronic metabolic diseases.
Marc W. Kirschner, HMS, for contributions to understanding the cytoskeleton, eukaryotic cell cycle, protein degradation, and embryonic patterning, and for leadership in public policy through the American Society for Cell Biology.
Junying Yuan, HMS, for distinguished contributions on the roles of caspases in mediating apoptosis of mammalian cells and necrostatins (small molecule inhibitors of a cellular necrosis pathway.