H1N1 influenza advice for Commencement week visitors
While at Harvard, should you experience any symptoms consistent with H1N1 flu, you should contact Harvard University Health Services (HUHS).
These symptoms include fever (greater than 100 degrees F or 37.8 degrees C) and any of the following: sore throat, cough, stuffy nose, chills, headache and body aches, or fatigue. Some have also reported diarrhea and vomiting associated with H1N1 flu.
HUHS is available 24 hours a day and is located at 75 Mt. Auburn St. The HUHS daytime phone numbers are (617) 495-2001 and (617) 495-8414. For evenings, nights, and weekends, the number is (617) 495-5711.
If you have symptoms of H1N1 flu, it is important that you see a doctor to determine if you need medication and to determine whether you should isolate yourself to avoid infecting others. If you are diagnosed with H1N1 flu, you should avoid close contact with others. Increased fluids, rest, and Tylenol are usually suggested. Some antiviral medicines may be prescribed.
If you are ill and unexpectedly feeling worse (such as having trouble breathing, having chest pain, feeling faint, or dehydrated), call 911 or contact HUHS immediately.