Pick up new Harvard IDs at Holyoke Center
Harvard has a new, high-technology ID card, and those who have not yet picked up their card should do so at the final card swap event, March 5 and 6, at the Holyoke Information Center, 1350 Massachusetts Ave., Cambridge, Mass. Swap times are:
March 5: 8 a.m. to 5:15 p.m.
March 6: 8 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Cardholders must swap their current single-stripe Harvard ID for a new, two-stripe card. All privileges and information assigned to the current ID will migrate to the new card. Services such as Crimson Cash and M2 shuttle access will cease to work on the old Harvard ID card, effective April 1.
The card exchanged must match the card issued at the swap. This includes the name on the card, ID number (including the ninth digit), photo, and card type (such as Student or Special Borrower). If an individual has multiple roles at the University and carries multiple ID cards, that individual will be asked to present them all.
Those who have misplaced their ID card should go directly to the ID Office at 953 Holyoke Center. For office hours, please check http://www.huid.harvard.edu.
Individuals who cannot make it to the swap, have questions about proxy pick-up, or need to know how to get a new ID after the swap, should visit http://www.newid.huid.harvard.edu.