Hoopes Prize winners number more than 80
More than 80 Harvard College seniors have been named Thomas T. Hoopes Prize winners for outstanding scholarly work or research. The prize is funded by the estate of Thomas T. Hoopes ’19. The recipients, including their research and advisers, are as follows:
Stephen Amrock for his submission titled “Globalizing Actionable Rights: The Role of Policy Elites in Health Care Reform in Chile and Bolivia, 1982-2007” — Jason Beckfield
Jordan Baehr for his submission titled “From Every Subtle Thing We Do: Capitalist Socialization in Communist China” — Michael Puett
Marco Basile for his submission titled “Zarathustra as a “‘Good European’: From Nietzsche’s City-State to His Anti-Politics” — Peter Burgard
Anna Bonnell-Freidin for her submission titled “Claims to Power: Virtus in Valerius Maximus’ Facta et Dicta Memorabilia” — Emma Dench
Katherine Brunson for her submission titled “Shifting Animal Exploitation Strategies in Late Neolithic China: A Zooarchaeological Analysis of the Longshan Site of Taosi, Shanxi Province” — Richard Meadow
Robert Cecott for his submission titled “People Helping (White) People: Evidence of Racial Discrimination in Peer-to-Peer Lending” — Sendhil Mullainathan
Can Cenik for his submission titled “Loss of Genetic Variation in Salmon and the Coalescent Effective Population Size” — John Wakeley
Curtis Chan for his submission titled “Being B — Boys: Style, Identity, and Respect Among New England and Miami Street Dancers” — Michael Herzfeld
Alexander Chase-Levenson for his submission titled “A Gate for the Whole Continent: Quarantine, Illness, and the Imaginative Geography of British Travel to the East 1780-1850” — Maya Jasanoff
Sakura Christmas for her submission titled “Drafting Primitivity: The Oroqen in Japanese Manchuria, 1932-1945” — Mark Elliot
Katie Rose Clapham for her submission titled “A Tiny Protein Links Two Morphogenetic Processes in a Bacterium” — Richard Losick
Frederic Clark for his submission titled “Historae Veritas and the First Historiographer: Reading Dares Phrygius in the Middle Ages” — Jan Ziolkowski
Victoria Clark for her submission titled “Alternative Splicing Factor Sfrs Is Required for Terminal Differentiation of Rod Photoreceptor Outer Segments in the Mouse Retina” — Constance Cepko
Dustin Clausen for his submission titled “The Springer Correspondence” — Dennis Gaitsgory
Chiara Condi for her submission titled “‘If Francis had upheld him to the last, he would have been the Luther of France’: The Trial of Louis de Berquin 1523-1529” — Steven Ozment and Tom Conley
Michael Coulter for his submission titled “Slightly Salivating, Over Your Fever: Mercury in Therapeutic Medicine during the 18th and Early 19th Centuries” — Aaron Mauck
Henry Cowles for his submission titled “‘Harmless, Beautiful, or Rare’: The Origins of Wildlife Protection in Britain, 1860-1873” — Janet Browne
Richard Cozzens for his submission titled “‘We’re not Gs — We’re Arabs’: Arab Identity in the Politics and Poetics of Rap in Jordan, Syria and Palestine” — Virginia Danielson
Abigail Darby for her submission titled “A Panel of Judges: The Response of the American Medical Profession to Koch’s Discovery of the Tubercle Bacillus” — Grischa Metlay
Elizabeth David for her submission titled “History for a Changed World? Geoffrey Barraclough, the Campaign for Universal History, and the English Historical Profession in the Mid-20th Century” — David Armitage
John Davies for his submission titled “Milton’s Teleological Psychology” — Gordon Teskey
Denise Delaney for her submission titled “Marginality and Violence: The Experience of Being a Desplazado in the Colombian Capital” — Kimberly Theidon
Eva Dickerman for her submission titled “Before the Law Stands a Doorkeeper: Race, National Belonging and the Quest for Minority Citizenship in Post-Imperial Austria, 1920-1924” — Alison Frank
Darja Djordjevic for her submission titled “Persecution and the Double Bind: An Ethnographic Study of Women Asylum Seekers and the Comité médical pour les exiles” — Arthur Kleinman
Chiazotam Ekekezie for her submission titled “‘Make Jealousy for Her’: Witchcraft, ‘Modernity’ and Local Anxieties about Moralized Reproduction in Malawi” — Felicity Anlino
Kevin Feeney for his submission titled “Forget the Facts: Navigating Identities in David Bradley’s ‘The Chaneysville Incident’ and Colson Whitehead’s ‘The Intutionist and John Henry Days’” — Cameron Leader-Picone
Jhoshua Friedman for his submission titled “Gregory the Great and the Myth of the Gregorian Chant” — Thomas Kelly
Masha Godina for her submission titled “Giving What They Deserve: The Case Against Desert as a Reason for Action” — Thomas Scanlon
Tyler Goodspeed for his submission titled “Rethinking the Keynesian Revolution: Keynes, Hayek, and the Wicksell Connection” — Charles Maier
Adam Guren for his submission titled “The Marriage Market Returns to College Quality” — Lawrence Katz
Mishy Harman for his submission titled “Blurred Binarism: Jewish Identity in the Case of the Falash Mura” — Caroline Elkins
Nicholas Hayes for his submission titled “From Reverence to Reconciliation: The Kantian Genesis of Hegel’s Conception of Freedom” — Michael Rosen
Erika Helgen for her submission titled “A Polish Pope in Puebla: Liberation Theology, Ecclesiology, and the Third General Conference of the Latin American Episcopate” — John Womack
Seth Herbst for his submission titled “Two Dramas Both Alike: Words, Music, and Imagination in Shakespeare’s and Prokofiev’s Version of ‘Romeo and Juliet’” — Daniel Albright
Miriam Hinman for her submission titled “Degradation Patterns in Subfossil Collagen on Archaeoloical Sites: New Evidence from Pyrolysis GC-MS and Solid State 13C NMR” — Noreen Tuross
Brandon Imber for his submission titled “Rational Design, Chemical Synthesis, and Biological Evaluation of a Small-Molecule Library Targeting Histone Demthylases” — Stuart Schreiber
Roumiana Ivanova for her submission titled “Europe’s Soft Power: Limits and Possibilities” — Stanley Hoffman
Mollie Margaret Kirk for her submission titled “Nationalism for Sale: The Commoditization of History and Collective Memory in China’s Red Tourism” — Christopher Leighton
Ivan Kotchetkov for his submission titled “Developmental Anatomy and Molecular Identity of Intra-Telencephalic Corticostriatal Projection Neurons” — Jeffrey D. Macklis
Eric Kouskalis for his submission titled “Does Not Compute: The Introduction of New Technologies to South African and Namibian Classrooms” — Michael Kremer and Mary Brinton
Ajay Kumar for his submission titled “Driving to God: Ohio and Social Density Theory of Religiosity” — Glyn Morgan
Roland Lamb for his submission titled “This, That, and the Other: Zhvangzi’s Sotto Voce Ontology” — Michael Puett
Matthew Lebowitz for his submission titled “Consumption of Science and Its Effects on Attitudes” — Steven Pinker and Carole Hooven
Jonathan Lee for his submission titled “Investigating the Labor Supply Implications of Kahneman’s Peak End Rule” — David Laibson
Jordan Lee for his submission titled “In Search of an Alternative: Negotiating Legitimacy in Reform-Era China” — Kristen Looney
Rachel Lefebvre for her submission titled “Molecular Dissection of TGF-B-Induced Signal Transduction Pathways Controlling T-Cell Differentiation” — Anjana Rao
Paul Linden-Retek for his submission titled “Public Responsibility, Solidarity, and Citzenship: Václav Havel and Jürgen Habermas on Morality and Democratic Politics” — Jonathan Bolton
W. Hugh Malone for his submission titled “‘I Think What I See’: A.R. Ammons’ Poetics of the Real” — Peter Sacks
Elizabeth McKenna for her submission titled “To Be Human Is to Be a Capitalist: A Discursive Critique of Microfinance with a Case Study of Poverty, Power, and Change in Brazil’s Favelas” — Fernande Raine
Sophia McKinley for her submission titled “Sleep, Learning, and Memory in the Elderly” — Robert Stickgold
Luke Messac for his submission titled “Lazarus at America’s Doorstep: Elites and Framing in Federal Appropriations for Global AIDS Relief” — Andrew Reeves
Alison Miller for her submission titled “Explicit Class Field Theory in Function Fields: Gross-Stark Units and Drinfeld Modules” — Samit Dasgupta
Danny Mou for his submission titled “Edgetic-Profiling of Disease-Associated TP73L Mutant Proteins” — Marc Vidal
David Mou for his submission titled “Improving the ‘Brainbow’ System for Multicolor Cellular Labeling Using Epitope-Tags and Antibodies” — Ryan Draft
Evan O’Donnell for his submission titled “Geometric Core Knowledge: Partial Maps, Length, and Angle” — Elizabeth Spelke
Endria Richardson for her submission titled “Lullwater” — Sven Birkerts
Ari Ruben for his submission titled “Testing Suffrage: Literacy and the Right to Vote in New York, 1915-1975” — Lisa McGirr
Xianpeng (Adam) Sang for his submission titled “Zebrafish Primordial Germ Cells Require Insulin-Like Growth Factor Signaling for Directional Migration” — Antony W. Wood
Caroline Schopp for her submission titled “Monument and Counter-Monument: The Sculptural Libraries of Anselm Kiefer, Micha Ullman, and Rachel Whiteread” — Judith Ryan
Samuel Conrad Scott for his submission titled “The Enlightenment of Bryan Edwards” — Vincent Brown
Francesca Serritella for her submission titled “White Snakeroot and Other Summer Wildflowers” — Bret Anthony Johnston
Jonathan Siegel for his submission titled “The Local Impact of Interstates: Assessing the Effect of Highway Construction on Surrounding Neighborhoods” — Edward Glaeser
Jeremy Singer-Vine for his submission titled “Allan Sekula, Sebastiao Salgado, and the Challenges of Labor Photography” — Robin Kelsey
Cecilia Soler for her submission titled “The Divine Parody: Camus’ ‘La Chute’ in the Words of Dante” — Susan Suleiman
Hummy Song for her submission titled “Beyond the Pale: Rethinking American Concepts of Whiteness Through Takao Ozawa v. United States (1922) — Eric Tang
Jackie Stenson for her submission titled “Appropriate Rondaval Chimney: Reducing Indoor Air Pollution in Rural Southern Africa” — Robert D. Howe
Michelle Steward for her submission titled “Not in My Front Yard: The Use of Neighborhood Appearance in the Construction of Moral Boundaries” — Michèle Lamont
Daniel Stolper for his submission titled “Constraining the Physiological Activity of Deep-Sea Sedimentary Microbial Communities” — Peter Girguis
Jie Tang for his submission titled “Informativeness and Incentive—Compatibility for Reputation Systems” — David Parkes
Elina Tetelbaum for her submission titled “A Sobering Look at How Minimum Legal Drinking Age Laws Affect Traffic Fatalities” — Jeffrey Miron
Adaner Usmani for his submission titled “Reimagining the Revolutionary Vanguard: Frantz Fanon and the Task of the Intellectual” — Ajantha Subramanian
Katherine Van Schaik for her submission titled “The Multiplication of Meaning: The Identification and Characterization of the San Callisto Banquet Images” — Christopher Jones
Beatrice Viramontes for her submission titled “Journeys to Aztlán: The (Re)creation of Pre-Columbian Forms in the Contemporary Chicano Murals of Los Angeles” — David Carrasco
Anh-Thu Elaine Vo for her submission titled “Mercury Exposure and Evolutionary Genetics of Heavy Metal Regulation in Black-Footed Albatrosses (Phoebastria nigripes)” — Scott Edwards
Ana Vollmar for her submission titled “Whose Voice? Whose History? Human Representation in Edward Palmer’s Ethnobotanical Collections, 1869-1896” — Katharine Park and Nasser Zakariya
Peter Wang for his submission titled “Identifying Novel Genes Involved in Sensory Neuron Function” — Alexander Schier
William Werbel for his submission titled “Shoes: The Arch Enemy? Contrasting the Kinetics and Kinematics of Habitually Shod and Habitually Barefoot Runners” — Daniel Lieberman
Rachel Whitaker for her submission titled “Beyond Books: Film Production and Distribution at the Grove Press Publishing House” — J.D. Connor
Clement Wood for his submission titled “Horatius de Amicitia: Maecenas and the Discourse of Friendship in the Poetry of Horace” — Christopher Krebs
Bobby Xu for his submission titled “The Effect of Relationships on Contract Choice: A Theoretical Approach” — Oliver Hart
Yoshitaka Yamamoto for his submission titled “Flash, Roar, Dream: A Reading of the Dream Imagery in the Hiroshima and Nagasaki Atomic Bomb Testimonial Literature Alongside Freud, Lacan and Coleridge” — Melissa Feuerstein
Crystal Yang for her submission titled “An Empirical Analysis of Rape Shield Legislation” — Claudia Goldin
Elisa Zhang for her submission titled “Distinct Sets of mRNA Target Exhibit Differential miRNA Dose Responses” — Tom Maniatis