CES announces student grant recipients
Continuing its tradition of promoting and funding student research on Europe, the Minda de Gunzburg Center for European Studies (CES) has announced its selection of nearly 50 undergraduates for thesis research grants and internships in Europe this summer. Additionally, almost two dozen graduate students have been awarded support for their dissertations over the coming year.
Undergraduate senior thesis travel grants fund summer research in Europe for juniors in the Harvard Faculty of Arts and Sciences preparing senior theses on political, historical, economic, social, cultural, and intellectual trends in modern or contemporary Europe.
A list of the recipients, including their concentration and research, follows:
Pierpaolo Barbieri, “La Guerra Civil, La Guerra Financiara — Economic and Financial Determinants of the Spanish Civil War”; John Dillon, “Digging — An Insight into the Irish-Language Influences of Seamus Heaney’s Poetry”; Claire Guehenno, “French laicité in the Context of the European Union and European Identity”; Anna Kendrick, “National Identity and Cultural Marginality: Migration in Contemporary Spanish Literature”; Audrey Kim, “Much Ado About Empire: Japan’s Entrance into Global Capital Markets (1904-1920)”; Leandra King, “Racial Fragmentation and desire for Redistribution in French Suburbs”; Paul Jeffrey Leopando; “Ethnographic Research on Global Environmentalism in the Findhorn Ecovillage in Northern Scotland”; Kelley McKinney, “The Impact of the Industrial Revolution and Scientific Discovery on the Body in the 19th Century Novel”; Christopher Miller, “The Overend Crisis and the Lender of Last Resort: A Study in 19th Century Financial Liberalism”; Leslie E. Nightingale, “Correlations Between Education and Prostitution in Victorian England”; Victoria Phan, “European Integration and Compliance: The Conflict Between National and EU Law”; Rachel Pollack, “Une Revolution Culturelle: Maoist Intellectuals in Post-’68 France”; Juliet Samuel, “An Investigation into the Social/Cultural Impact of Factory Work Among French-Algerian Immigrants”; Jan Straka, “The Relationship Between Charter 77 and Ecological and Pacifist Movements in 1980’s Czechoslovakia”; Giuliana Vetrano, “The Gilded Belle Epoque: Bourgeois Americans in France and Transnational Culture (1870-1914)”; Anna Whittington, “From One Adopted Heimat to Another: German Emigration from the Soviet Union to Germany”; Emma Winer, “Archival Research on World War I Memory in Anglo-Irish Literature and Film”; Susan Yao, “The Effects of Affirmative Action Policies on Individual Students in French Schools”; and Olga Zhulina, “Russian Immigrant Periodicals in Paris of 1930 as Vehicles of Franco-Russian Bilingual Literature.”
CES is sponsoring the following undergraduates to take part in summer internship opportunities. Alumni at the Harvard Club of the United Kingdom have worked with CES to provide opportunities in business, philanthropy, political analysis, marketing, media/publishing, research, and consulting. In France, students gain publishing and legal experience; in Poland and Bulgaria, students have the chance to teach through the WorldTeach summer program; and in Spain, to learn about international education.
Ingrid Akerlind ’10, Pell Frischmann Consulting, London; Sophie Alexander ’10, WorldTeach, Poland; Matthew Basciotta ’09, WorldTeach, Poland; Courtney Blair ’10, Exclusive Analysis, London; Katerina Botchkina ’09, King’s College, Cambridge (United Kingdom); Ellen Bryson ’11, WorldTeach, Poland; Rebecca Cooper ’10, International Herald Tribune, Paris; Michelle Cronin ’09, International Herald Tribune, Paris; Michela DeSantis ’10, Value Retail, Oxford, Kelly Gu ’10, Exclusive Analysis, London; Kate Harris ’10, Parliament, MP Howarth, London; Antonio Hernandez ’10, Slingshot Studios, London; Kavita Kannan ’09, Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra (U.K.); Hunter Landerholm ’09, Corrour Estate, Scotland; James Larkin ’10, Parliament, MP Miliband, London; Alex Lavoie ’10, New Energy Finance, London; Holly Metter ’09, Corrour Estate, London; Gillian Morris ’09, Suffolk University, Madrid; Prathama Nabi ’11, WorldTeach, Bulgaria; Andrea Peterson ’09, Durham University, Department of Physics, IPPP (U.K.); Rachel Pollack ’09, Shearman & Sterling LLP, Paris; Nadim Rabaia ’10, Exclusive Analysis, London; Tejas Sathian ’10, Exclusive Analysis, London; Linnea Sundberg ’09, Exclusive Analysis and Arcadia, London; Rui Wang ’11, WorldTeach, Poland; Sarah Wang ’10, Comac Capital, London; Yifan Zhang ’10, Exclusive Analysis, London
Graduate summer travel grants fund summer research in Europe for doctoral students writing dissertations on political, historical, economic, social, cultural, and intellectual trends in modern or contemporary Europe. The recipients are as follows:
Jovonne Bickerstaff, “Noir and Francois: Everyday Anti-Racism and the Multiplicity of French Identity”
Oana M. Dan, “United in Diversity? The Meaning and Implications of European Union Citizenship”
Heidi J. Evans, “The Production of News: News Agencies in the 19th and Early 20th Centuries”
Kristin E. Fabbe, “Religion-State Relations and State Formation in the Former Ottoman World: A Critical Case Study in Cyprus”
Garner Gollatz, “Pilgrimage, Healing, and Authority at Lourdes, France”
Daniela K. Helbig, “Up In The Air: Aviation in France between the World Wars”
Megan R. Luke, “Merz in Exile: The Late Style of Kurt Schwitters, 1930-1948”
Ward Penfold, “Jurispudentia Est Vera Philosophia: Adventures in Trans-Atlantic Private Law from the Historical School to the Social Critique”
Tristan M. Stein, “The Mediterranean and the English Empire of Trade: 1660-1720”
Graduate dissertation research fellowships fund graduate students who plan to spend up to a year in Europe conducting dissertation research. The recipients are as follows:
Azra Aksamija, “Our Mosques Are Us: Rewriting National History of Bosnia-Herzegovina through Religious Architecture”
Ellen E. Exner, “Frederick the Great and the Creation of Music for Berlin (1734-1756)”
Stefan J. Link, “International Fordism — ‘Mass-Producerism’ and the Management of Economic Crisis in Germany and the USA, 1929-39”
Jennifer S. Mack, “Pitches and Practices: Soccer, Space and Citizenship in Suburban Sweden”
John Mathew, “To Fashion a Fauna for French and British India”
Vanessa Ogle, “Empires of Time: Global Histories of Clock Times and Calendars Around 1900”
George Soroka, “Governing in Whose Interest? Political Attitudes, Representation and Post-Communist Elite Discourse”
Lanka Tattersall, “A Stitch in Time: Sophie Taeuber-Arp and the Politics of Abstraction”
Matthew C. Underwood, “Ordering Knowledge, Re-Ordering Empire: Science and the Emergence of the Commercial-Imperial State”
Shirley Ye, “Business, Water, and the Global City: Hanseatic and Chinese Merchant Networks, 1829-1940”
Graduate dissertation writing fellowships are intended to support doctoral candidates as they complete their dissertations. The award allows students to spend a final year dedicated to writing. The fellows follow:
Laurie McIntosh, “Impossible Presence: The Cultural Politics of Integration, Citizenship and Natural Belonging in Contemporary Norway”
Sean McGraw, “Managing Change: Party Politics in the New Ireland”