Kennedy School’s student journals reflect their interests, policy passions
The array of Harvard Kennedy School student journals reflects the wide range of their many contributors. From politics to international affairs to economics to the environment, no major policy issues are left unexplored, allowing student voices to be heard on the most important political matters of the day.
With a multitude of high-quality publications and relatively low costs, the Kennedy School is “likely the national leader among public policy schools” in terms of its student journal program, said Richard Parker, lecturer in public policy and faculty adviser to the program.
Presenting the student perspective on world affairs is what motivates Karim Bardeesey M.P.P. ’08, co-editor in chief of the Harvard Kennedy School Review.
“The experience of [working on the journal has] allowed all of us to tap more deeply into the experiences, research, and skills of our classmates; they are really at the forefront of some deeply important policy debates about gender, immigration, class, foreign policy, and the environment, to name just some of the issues we have covered,” Bardeesey said.
During the past academic year, the review published more than 40 pieces authored by Kennedy School students and alumni, with an editorial team consisting of some 15 writers, editors, managers, and illustrators.
The Harvard Journal of Hispanic Policy is aimed at an audience of researchers, students, and professionals interested in public policy issues of relevance to the U.S. Hispanic population, including immigration, civil rights, and education.
“This year, I have received several requests from researchers in public officials’ offices and other universities to reproduce portions of the studies published in our journal, which I consider a testament to the timeliness and relevance of the issues discussed by the material we publish,” said editor in chief Tomas Garcia M.P.P. ’08. “We are contributing to the public discourse of policy issues that matter to the Hispanic community.”
The Asian American Policy Review has been covering issues of interest to its audience for some 17 years. Co-editor in chief Tai Sunnanon M.P.P. ’08 calls working on it an “amazing” experience that allowed him to connect with important and relevant issues that affect all Asian Americans. He expects his successors will broaden the journal’s readership base and improve its Web presence.
Other Kennedy School student journals include theHarvard Journal of African American Public Policy and theWomen’s Policy Journal of Harvard.