University adopts a new schedule for management of records
As of Sept. 1, the University has adopted a new General Records Schedule (GRS) — a publication of records management services in the Harvard University Archives. The new GRS describes and sets standards for the management and retention of University records. This vital document is relevant to every Harvard office and applies to records in all formats and media, both paper and electronic.
The 2007 edition of the GRS, which is entirely Web-based, is now up at The site is only accessible from computers with access to University networks.
According to University Archivist Megan Sniffin-Marinoff, “University records are vital resources that require prudent management. The new GRS has been rearranged for ease of use, and the entire schedule has been thoroughly reviewed and revised for compliance with a broad range of statutes, regulations, and information-security and privacy guidelines. We’ve also worked hard to provide enhanced, up-to-the-minute guidance for storing, managing, and disposing of records on a timely basis.”
“Unlike past editions,” Sniffin-Marinoff continued, “the 2007 GRS will not be issued in hard copy — though we’ve ensured that the GRS is printer-friendly. Staff can print PDF copies of any or all of the GRS.”
The GRS will be regularly updated. In addition, staff can consult the Archives iSite at for a reference guide to the specific changes in policies and procedure that the new GRS represents.
The Archives iSite requires a Harvard ID and PIN.
Harvard staff members are reminded that the 2007 GRS supersedes earlier editions, which may no longer be used and, in fact, should be destroyed.
Records management is a function of the Harvard University Archives. Through its records management services, the archives seeks to ensure the prudent maintenance and efficient disposal of the records of the University consistent with sound archival standards, budgetary considerations, and legal obligations.
In fulfillment of these responsibilities, the archives creates records schedules; identifies and seeks to acquire University records of enduring value; oversees the storage of inactive University records and the destruction of obsolete records; and provides general assistance to University offices in the management of their records.