This month in Harvard history
May 25, 1951 — The Medical School attracts some 250 graduates to its first Alumni Day.
May 1952 — Students and colleagues celebrate Winthrop House Master Ronald M. Ferry, the last of the original House Masters still on duty. At a dinner attended by President Conant and Provost Paul Buck, Ferry receives a pair of silver bowls with the Winthrop House crest. A week later at a combined House senior and alumni dinner, undergraduates present him and his wife Virginia with a silver tray.
May 12, 1956 — More than 300 delegates from nearly 40 colleges convene in Sanders Theatre for the 1956 Intercollegiate Democratic Convention, sponsored by the Harvard Young Democratic Club. The convention nominates Adlai E. Stevenson for President and John F. Kennedy ’40 for Vice President.
May 19, 1959 — To mark the 50th anniversary of A. Lawrence Lowell’s election to the Harvard presidency, the Harvard Corporation renames the New Lecture Hall (1902), henceforth to be known as A. Lawrence Lowell Hall.
May 19, 1960 — In Sanders Theatre, Mary I. Bunting is formally installed as Radcliffe’s fifth President.