Flu vaccinations available through Dec. 19
Free flu shots are now available to all Harvard ID holders and HUGHP health plan members at Harvard University Health Services (HUHS) every Monday and Tuesday through Dec. 19, and at a range of times and days at additional Harvard locations in Cambridge and Boston.
The Monday and Tuesday HUHS clinics are from noon to 3 p.m. in Monks Library on the second floor of HUHS in the Holyoke Center Arcade. Separate appointments for children to receive flu shots must be made through Pediatric Services at (617) 495-4171.
Free flu shots also are available at different dates and times at the Business School Health Services (Meredith Room), the Law School Health Services (Lewis International Law Center), and the Medical Area Health Services (Gordon and Vanderbilt halls). Additional times for students only will be available at Annenberg Hall, the Kresge Cafeteria at the School of Public Health, and at the dining halls of Eliot, Leverett, Currier, and Mather houses.
The specific schedules for locations and times outside of HUHS are available at http://www.huhs.harvard.edu/NewsFlash/FreeFluVaccinations.htm. More information is available through a flu information line at (617) 496-2288 or by calling Ask a Nurse at (617) 998-HUHS.