Enterprise Community Partners president to deliver Dunlop Lecture
F. Barton Harvey, chairman of the board, president, and chief executive officer of Enterprise Community Partners, will deliver the eighth annual John T. Dunlop Lecture – “A Decent Home and Suitable Living Environment for All Americans: Rhetoric or Legitimate Goal?” – Oct. 3 at 6 p.m. in Piper Auditorium (Harvard Graduate School of Design). The lecture is free and open to the public, and will be followed by a reception.
During Harvey’s tenure at Enterprise (he took over leadership in 1993), the organization has grown into a leading provider of development capital and expertise to create decent, affordable homes and rebuild communities. It has raised and invested $7 billion in equity, grants, and loans and is currently investing in communities at a rate of $1 billion per year. Harvey has testified before Congress on a number of community-development issues and has had articles published in many journals and periodicals. He received his M.B.A. and bachelor’s degrees from Harvard University in 1974 and 1971, respectively.
The lecture commemorates the life and work of the late John T. Dunlop, Lamont University Professor Emeritus of Harvard University from 1985 to 2003 and U.S. secretary of labor during the Ford administration. In a lifetime career dedicated to improving labor-management relations, Dunlop’s arbitration and negotiation led to celebrated dispute resolutions in academia, industry, and government.