Slavic Languages awards essays on Russian literature
Slavic Languages awards essays on Russian literature

The Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures recently awarded Hui En Joanna Yeo ’06 and graduate student Emily van Buskirk the V.M. Setchkarev Memorial Prize for their essays on Russian literature. Prizes of $500 each went to Yeo for her essay “The Politica of Petersburg: Loneliness and Logic in Bely’s ‘Petersburg’” and to van Buskirk for her paper titled “Essays in Socio-biography: Lydia Ginzburg’s Creative Analysis.”
Humanities Center names fellows
The Humanities Center at Harvard has named graduate students Etty Terem ’06-07 and Travis Zadeh ’06 recipients of its 2006-07 dissertation completion fellowships. Terem (Center for Middle Eastern Studies and Department of History) received the fellowship for “The New Mi’yar of al-Mahdi al-Wazzani: Family Life in Late 19th Century Fez.” Zadeh (Department of Comparative Literature) received the fellowship for “Translation, Language, and Identity: Pre-modern Negotiations Along the Frontiers of Islam.”
– Compiled by Andrew Brooks