CES names 2006-07 grant recipients
The senior thesis travel grant recipients are as follows:
Continuing its long tradition of promoting and funding student research in Europe, the Minda de Gunzburg Center for European Studies (CES) has announced that 40 undergraduates will pursue thesis research and internships on the continent this summer, while more than two dozen graduate students have been awarded support for their dissertations over the coming year.
Undergraduate senior thesis travel grants fund summer research in Europe for rising seniors in the Harvard Faculty of Arts and Sciences preparing theses on political, historical, economic, social, cultural, and intellectual trends in modern or contemporary Europe.
The senior thesis travel grant recipients are as follows:
Alexander Bevilacqua, “A Certain Idea in Europe: The Early Development of the European International Project, 1918-1933”
Jean-Sebastien Cagnioncle, “La France aux Français: Explaining the Rise of Xenophobic Sentiments in France”
Elena Chardakliyska, “Quiet Landscapes: The Duesseldorf School Now”
Calum Docherty, “Beyond the Wall: A Study of Contemporary East German Identity”
Stephen Fee, “Jewish Organizations and Civil Society in Contemporary Poland”
Leanne Gaffney, “Integrating Northern Irish Protestant and Catholic Students through Storytelling”
Casiana E. Ionita, “Circus Scenes in Turn of the Century Paris: A Study of French Circus History and Representations”
Richard Maximilian Duo Lee, “A Franco-German Marriage: the Origins of the Schuman Plan”
William Marra, “The Danish Cartoons: Newspapers’ Decision to Print Them, Government Response, and Public Opinion”
Julia Elizabeth Morton, “Lacking Capital in the Capital: How Does Educational Experience Indoctrinate Cultural Entitlement?”
Rachel Nolan, “The First Failure of the Cult of the Dead: the Breakdown of Martyrdom during the Irish Civil War”
Ravi Ramchandani, “Research on the Transition to Colonial Rule in the Indian city of Madras in the Late 18th Century”
Benjamin Robinson, “Summer Thesis Research on Heidegger and Benjamin in the Thought of Agamben”
Michael Sanchez, “Research on Pierre Klossowski in French Archives and Museums”
Adam Schneider, “Media Crises and Refugees: Sangatte and the Common European Asylum Policy”
Emily Simon, “Railway to the Raj: Thomas Cook Tours and the Growth of British Empire”
Caroline Sloan, “Research on Colonial Rwanda in the Interwar Period: Effects of Belgian Rule on Politics and Health”
Sophia Snyder, “Research on Orientalism and Imperial Anxieties in the Victorian light opera of Gilbert and Sullivan”
Alexander Stokes, “Marginal Communities: French Imperialism in Late Qing China”
Silvia Suteu, “Anti-Holocaust Denial Legislation in Context: The Cases of Romania and Austria”
Additionally, CES is sponsoring the following undergraduates to take part in summer internship opportunities. Alumni at the Harvard Club of the United Kingdom have worked with CES to provide opportunities in business, philanthropy, political analysis, and wildlife management. In Poland, students have the chance to teach through the WorldTeach summer program, and in Spain, to learn about academic management. The interns are as follows: Marcela Briceno ’07 (WorldTeach, Poland); Alexander Cole ’08 (Corrour Estate, Scotland); Thomas Dolinger ’09 (WorldTeach, Poland); Jack Fishburn ’08 (SCB Partners, London); Cassandra Forsyth ’08 (Exclusive Analysis Ltd., London); Michael Gaffney ’08 (U.K. Parliament, London); Ingrid Gustafson ’07 (Lisbet Rausing Charitable Fund, London); Jennifer Hou ’08 (YouGov, London); Nate Kiechel ’08 (Alta Advisors Limited, London); David Lokshin ’08 (Oldfield Partners LLP, London); Brieana Marticorena ’09 (WorldTeach, Poland) Thea St. Clair Morton ’07 (Suffolk University, Madrid); Daniel Nalbandyan ’08 (WorldTeach, Poland); Pilar Ochi ’08 (Value Retail, Oxfordshire, London); Neesha Rao ’08 (WorldTeach, Poland); Kenneth Schultz ’07 (YouGov, London); Christopher Suen ’08 (Rothschild, London); Maya Michelle Tsukernik ’08 (Continental Capital Partners, London); and Clemence Vidal de la Blache, exchange student (Exclusive Analysis Ltd., London).
Graduate dissertation research fellowships fund graduate students who plan to spend up to a year in Europe conducting dissertation research.
The graduate dissertation research recipients are as follows:
Lucia Allais, “Will to War, Will to Art: Architecture, Cooperation, Internationalization of the Cultural Monument, 1932-1959”
William Bares, “Provincializing America? Jazz Nationalisms in Northern Europe”
Edward Baring, “Jacques Derrida and French Philosophy, 1950-72”
Magnus Feldmann, “Emerging Varieties of Transitional Capitalism: Politics, Institutions and Distribution in Eastern Europe”
Federico Ferrara, “All Down the Line: Institutionalization and the Paths of Party System Development”
Katja Gunther, “The Body Schema between Gestalt Psychology, Psychoanalysis, and Phenomenology – Paul Schilder and German Psychology, 1905-1930”
Daniel Margocsy, “Advertising and Selling Science: Scientific Publications in Early Modern Netherlands”
Sean McGraw, “Ireland’s Social Partnership: Changes in Interest Intermediation”
Nick O’Donovan, “Totalitarianism and the Politics of Evil”
Kristin Poling, “From Fortifications to Frontiers: On the Edge of the German City in the Long Nineteenth Century”
Juliet Wagner, “The Medical Use of Photography to Document ‘Shell Shock’ in France, Britain and Germany during the First World War”
Mattias Frey, “Good Bye, Lenin? Postwall German Cinema’s Retrovisions”
Graduate Dissertation Writing Fellowships are intended to support doctoral candidates as they complete their dissertations. The award allows students to spend a final year dedicated to writing. This year’s winners include Fiona Barker, “Refining the Notion of the Nation: Sub-State Nationalism and Immigrant Integration in Flanders and Quebec,” and John Ondrovcik, “Other Revolutions: Bandits, Red Guards, and Undesirables in Revolutionary Weimar Saxony, 1918-1925.”
Graduate Summer Travel Grants fund summer research in Europe for doctoral students writing dissertations on political, historical, economic, social, cultural, and intellectual trends in modern or contemporary Europe.
The graduate summer travel grant recipients are as follows:
Laura Beers, “Is the Media the Message?: The British Labour Party, Mass Democracy and the Commercial Media, 1918-1945”
Asif Efrat, “Tackling Traffic: International Cooperation against Illicit Trade”
Marco Gonzalez, “Mobility Strategies of Immigrant Youth: Traversing Structural and Cultural Boundaries in Different Educational Contexts”
Simone Ispa-Landa, “The Strong Woman/Infantile Man Construct among Russian and African-American Men and Women”
Helene Landemore, “Democratic Reason: Condorcet’s Gamble and the Intelligence of the Many”
John Mathew, “The Fashioning of a Natural History for British India”
Brenna Moore, “Devotion, Tragedy and History in French Catholic Thought, 1910-1940”
Nikolaos Panou, “How to Do Kings with Words: Byzantine Imperial Ideology and the Representation of Power in Late 17th Century Wallachia”
Andrew Reeves, “The Effects of Political Equality of Public Health, Elementary Education and Public Safety during the Great Reform Acts of Britain”
Kenneth Weisbrode, “EUR and American Diplomacy, 1909-89”
Gergana Yankova, “Democracy, Government Accountability and Media Scandals in Greece”