Marine to be director of Women’s Center

Susan Marine, director of Harvard’s Office of Sexual Assault Prevention and Response (OSAPR), has been appointed director of the Harvard College Women’s Center. College Dean Benedict Gross made the appointment following the strong recommendation of the 13-member search committee. Marine will begin her new duties on July 1.
“I am delighted that, after an extensive national search, the committee selected Susan as the person most qualified to take on the responsibilities of this new center,” Gross said. “This recommendation is a clear indication to me that after an exhaustive look at strong candidates from across the country, the very best person for the job is right here. I am very excited about this appointment, and look forward to working with Susan,” he added.
In making its recommendation, the committee cited Marine’s extensive experience in working with students, her background on issues concerning women, and her successful work at Harvard in creating OSAPR. The committee also cited Marine’s commitment to creating a women’s center that facilitates student-run programs, centralizes resources, builds relationships across the campus, develops and enhances women’s leadership on campus, and provides a voice for women undergraduates in all areas of college life. The Harvard College Women’s Center will open in September 2006 in renovated space in Canaday Hall.
Based on the 2004 “Proposal to Establish the Harvard-Radcliffe Women’s Center” endorsed by 13 student organizations, Gross asked Associate Dean Judith Kidd to form a committee in fall 2005 to search for the first director of the center. A widely representative search committee was created, including staff, faculty, and five students representing the Undergraduate Council, the Women’s Leadership Project, the Radcliffe Union of Students, the Harvard Foundation for Race and Intercultural Relations, and BGLTSA (Bisexual, Gay, Lesbian, Transgender Supporters Alliance).