FAS prize committee seeks administrative/professional nominees
The Faculty of Arts and Sciences’ (FAS) Administrative/Professional Prize Committee is now seeking nominations for this year’s prize, which recognizes the outstanding performance of members of FAS’s administrative and professional staff.
Founded in 1994 by a generous gift from a Harvard College alumnus and his wife, the prize honors a minimum of three qualifying FAS staff members who are currently exempt or were exempt as of July 1, 2001; have at least five years of service to Harvard; have outstanding records of performance; and have made contributions to FAS above and beyond the immediate requirements of their positions.
The prize awards an after-tax gift of $6,750, plus one month’s paid leave from the University, which the donor intends to be used for travel that the recipient could not otherwise have undertaken. Copies of the nomination form, which two nominators must sign, can be downloaded from the FAS Human Resources Department’s Web site at http://www.fas.harvard.edu/personnelservices/new/index.html.
Send completed nomination forms to FAS Administrative/Professional Prize Committee, c/o Alex Speier, University Hall, 2nd Floor North, by no later than Feb. 24. For more information, contact Alex Speier at (617) 496-1269, or aspeier@fas.harvard.edu.