The 2005-06 Standing Committees for Faculty of Arts and Sciences
Upon the recommendation of the Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences (FAS), the President approved and announced the following Standing Committees at the Nov. 22 FAS Faculty Meeting. Standing Committees of the Faculty are constituted to perform a continuing function. Each committee has been established by a vote of the Faculty, and can be dissolved only by a vote of the Faculty or, with the agreement of a particular Committee, by the Dean and Faculty Council. The Dean recommends the membership of each committee annually.Curricular Committees: Undergraduate ProgramsEnvironmental Science And Public Policy, Concentration In. — James J. McCarthy (Chair), William C. Clark, Richard T.T. Forman, Jerry R. Green, N. Michele Holbrook, John Holdren, Sheila Jasanoff, Michael B. McElroy, Peter P. Rogers, Daniel P. Schrag, John H. Shaw, and Robert N. Stavins.Folklore And Mythology, Degrees In. (Steering Committee) — Stephen A. Mitchell (Chair), Lisa T. Brooks, Julie A. Buckler, Deborah D. Foster, Joseph C. Harris (on leave), Michael Herzfeld, Barbara L. Hillers, David G. Mitten, Gregory Nagy, Kimberley C. Patton (on leave), Panagiotis Roilos (fall term), James R. Russell, John Stauffer, Maria M. Tatar, and Jan M. Ziolkowski (on leave).History And Literature, Degrees In. (Steering Committee) — Jill Lepore (Chair), Homi K. Bhabha, Steven H. Biel, Ann M. Blair, Sugata Bose (on leave), Lisa T. Brooks, Julie A. Buckler, Lawrence Buell, Lizabeth Cohen (on leave), Daniel G. Donoghue, James T. Engell, Ruth Feldstein, Lynn Mary Festa (fall term), Stephen J. Greenblatt, Virginie Greene, Blair Hoxby, Robert Kiely, Barbara K. Lewalski, Leah Price, Charles Rosenberg (spring term), Doris Sommer, John Stauffer, and Judith Surkis.Literature, Degrees In. — Marc Shell (Chair), Daniel Albright (fall term), Svetlana Boym, Julie A. Buckler, Luis C rcamo-Huechante (on leave), Tom C. Conley, Verena Andermatt Conley, Leland de la Durantaye, James T. Engell, Marjorie Garber, Luis Manuel Gir¤n Negr¤n, John T. Hamilton (on leave), Christopher Johnson, Despina Kakoudaki, Christie McDonald, Sandra Naddaff, Gregory Nagy, Stephen Owen, Eric Rentschler, Judith L. Ryan (fall term), Werner Sollors, Susan R. Suleiman (on leave), William Mills Todd III (on leave), and Justin McCabe Weir (on leave).Study Of Religion+ — Robert Orsi (Chair), Ryiuchi Abe, M. Shahab Ahmed, Ali S. A. Asani (on leave), Wallace Best, Fran¡ois Bovon, Francis X. Clooney, Shaye J.D. Cohen, Benjamin Dunning, Diana L. Eck, Francis S. Fiorenza (on leave), Robert M. Gimello, William A. Graham Jr., Janet Gyatso, Jeffrey F. Hamburger, Smita Lahiri, Thomas Lewis (on leave), Kevin Madigan, Anne E. Monius, Laura Nasrallah, Parimal Patil (on leave), Patrick Provost-Smith, Michael J. Puett, and Ronald Thiemann.Social Studies, Degrees In – Grzegorz Ekiert (Chair), David Armitage, Anya Bernstein, Mariko A.L. Chang, John H. Coatsworth, Richard N. Cooper, Kimberly DaCosta, Peter Eli Gordon (on leave), Peter A. Hall, Michael Herzfeld, Michael J. Hiscox, Engseng Ho, Stanley Hoffmann (spring term), James T. Kloppenberg, Michael Kremer (on leave), MichÀle Lamont (fall term), Steven Levitsky (fall term), Charles S. Maier, Peter V. Marsden, Jens Meierhenrich, Glyn Morgan, Elizabeth J. Perry, Nancy L. Rosenblum (on leave), Michael J. Sandel, Matthias Sch½ndeln, Tommie Shelby (on leave), Mary M. Steedly, Ajantha Subramanian (on leave), Christopher Winship (spring term), and Daniel Ziblatt (on leave).Special Concentrations — Julie A. Buckler (Chair), Allan M. Brandt, Peter Buck, Deborah D. Foster, Jason Andrew Kaufman, Stephen M. Kosslyn, Karel F. Liem (spring term), Elizabeth Lyman, Stephen A. Marglin, Robb Moss, Sandra Naddaff, Peter P. Rogers, Philip J. Stone III (on leave), and Richard K. Wolf.Studies of Women, Gender, and Sexuality, Degrees In — Afsaneh Najmabadi (Chair – on leave spring term), Alice A. Jardine (acting chair), Janet Beizer (spring term), Mary C. Brinton, Giuliana Bruno, Glenda Carpio (fall term), Nancy Cott, Kimberly DaCosta, Bradley S. Epps (on leave), Margarita Estevez-Abe (on leave), Drew Gilpin Faust, Lynn Mary Festa (on leave), Evelynn Hammonds (spring term), Susan Kahn, Despina Kakoudaki, Cheryl Denise Knott, Ewa Lajer-Burcharth (on leave), Frank Wesley Marlowe, Christie McDonald, Tamara Metz, Ingrid Monson, Carol J. Oja, Katharine Park, Sharmila Sen, Anne C. Shreffler, Diana Sorensen, Mary M. Steedly, Ajantha Subramanian (on leave), Judith Surkis, Laurel Thatcher Ulrich, and Kath Weston.Curricular Committees:Graduate Degree ProgramsAmerican Civilization, Higher Degrees in the History of — James T. Kloppenberg (Chair), Sven Beckert, Lawrence Buell, Joyce Elizabeth Chaplin, Lizabeth Cohen (on leave), Nancy Cott, Margaret Crawford, Henry Louis Gates Jr., David D. Hall, Evelyn Brooks Higginbotham (on leave), Jennifer L. Hochschild (fall term), Morton Jay Horwitz, Robin E. Kelsey, Alexander Keyssar, Jill Lepore, Louis Menand, Elisa New, Carol J. Oja, Robert Orsi, Julie A. Reuben (on leave), Jennifer Roberts (on leave), Charles Rosenberg (spring term), Gwendolyn DuBois Shaw, Werner Sollors, Doris Sommer, John Stauffer, and Laurel Thatcher Ulrich.Architecture, Landscape Architecture, and Urban Planning, Degree of Doctor of Philosophy In — Antoine Picon (Chair), Eve Blau, Svetlana Boym, Giuliana Bruno, Lizabeth Cohen (on leave), Margaret Crawford, Peter L. Galison (on leave), K. Michael Hays, Jerold S. Kayden, Neil Levine, Alina A. Payne, A. Hashim Sarkis, and Christine Smith.Biophysics, Higher Degrees In — James M. Hogle (Chair), Howard C. Berg (fall term), Stephen C. Blacklow, George M. Church, Thomas E. Ellenberger, Stephen C. Harrison, David Ruchien Liu, Markus Meister, Eugene I. Shakhnovich, Gregory L. Verdine, Gerhard Wagner, and Xiaowei Zhuang.Business Studies, Higher Degrees In — Amy C. Edmondson (Chair), Teresa M. Amabile, George P. Baker III, Carliss Baldwin, Max H. Bazerman, Theodore C. Bestor, John Y. Campbell, Lee O. Fleming, Jerry R. Green, J. Richard Hackman, H. T. Kung, Josh Lerner, Jay W. Lorsch, Peter V. Marsden, Venkatesh Narayanamurthy, Ariel Pakes (on leave), David C. Parkes, Jan W. Rivkin, Alvin E. Roth, David Scharfstein, Margo I. Seltzer, Jeremy C. Stein, Stefan H. Thomke, Christopher Winship (spring term), Woodward Yang, and Dennis Yao.Business Economics, Degree of Doctor of Philosophy in — Jerry R. Green (Chair), Amy C. Edmondson (ex officio), George P. Baker III, John Y. Campbell, Josh Lerner, Ariel Pakes (on leave), Alvin E. Roth, David Scharfstein, Jeremy C. Stein, and Dennis Yao.Information Technology and Management, Degree of Doctor of Philosophy in — H. T. Kung (Co-Chair), Stefan H. Thomke (Co-Chair), Amy C. Edmondson (ex officio), Carliss Baldwin, Lee O. Fleming, Josh Lerner, Ventkatesh Narayanamurthy, David C. Parkes, Jan W. Rivkin, Margo I. Seltzer, and Woodward Yang.Organizational Behavior, Degree of Doctor of Philosophy in — Peter V. Marsden, Amy C. Edmondson (ex officio), Teresa M. Amabile, Max H. Bazerman, J. Richard Hackman, Jay W. Lorsch, and Christopher Winship (spring term).Chemical Biology, Degree of Doctor of Philosophy In — Jon Clardy (Co-Chair), Gregory L. Vandine (Co-Chair), Daniel Kahne, Suzanne Walker, and Christopher T. Walsh. Chemical Physics, Degree of Doctor of Philosophy In — Eric Johnson Heller (Chair), John M. Doyle (on leave), Roy G. Gordon, Eugene I. Shakhnovich, Xiaoliang Sunney Xie, and Xiaowei Zhuang.Dental Medicine, Higher Degrees In — Bjorn R. Olsen (Chair), John D. Bartlett, Joyce Bischoff, Patricia A. D’Amore, Floyd Everett Dewhirst, Daniel Finley, David E. Fisher, James Hanken, Peter V. Hauschka, Martin Hemler, Michael Klagsbrun, Henry M. Kronenberg, Beate Lanske, Andrew B. Lassar, Michael Levin, Yefu Li, Yi-Ping Li, Daniel E. Lieberman, Henry C. Margolis, Alan M. Michelson, Bruce J. Paster, Vicki Rosen, Philip P. Stashenko, and Martin Taubman.Health Policy, Degree of Doctor of Philosphy In — Joseph P. Newhouse (Chair), Alyce Adams, Nancy D. Beaulieu, Robert Blendon, David E. Bloom, Allan M. Brandt, Daniel Carpenter, Nicholas Christakis, Paul D. Cleary, David M. Cutler, Norman Daniels, Amy C. Edmondson, Arnold M. Epstein, Erica Field, Richard G. Frank, Susanne J. Goldie, James K. Hammitt, Robert Huckman, Haiden Huskamp, Gary King, Karen M. Kuntz, Peter V. Marsden, Marie C. McCormick, Thomas G. McGuire, Barbara McNeil, Peter J. Neumann, Sharon-Lise Normand, Gary P. Pisano, Meredith B. Rosenthal, Donald B. Rubin, Stephen B. Soumerai, David Stevenson, B. Katherine Swartz, Kimberly Thompson, Milton C. Weinstein, Alan Zaslavsky, and Richard J. Zeckhauser.History and East Asian Language, Degree of Doctor of Philosophy In — Mark C. Elliott (Chair), Peter Bol, Harold Bolitho, Carter J. Eckert, Andrew D. Gordon, William C. Kirby, Philip A. Kuhn (fall term), Shigehisa Kuriyama, Michael J. Puett, and Hue-Tam Ho Tai.Inner Asian and Altaic Studies — Leonard W. J. van der Kuijp (Chair), Mark C. Elliott, Robert M. Gimello, Janet Gyatso, Cemal Kafadar, C.C. Lamberg-Karlovsky, Michael Puett, David J. Roxburgh (fall term), John S. Schoeberlein, Wheeler M. Thackston Jr., Wei-ming Tu, and Michael Witzel.Medical Sciences, Higher Degrees In — Thomas McCoy Roberts (Chair), Nancy C. Andrews, Michael C. Carroll, Susan M. Dymecki, Raymond L. Erikson (fall term), Thomas O. Fox (ex officio), Edward E. Harlow, Stephen C. Harrison, Peter Howley, Robert Kingston, David Knipe, Philip Leder, Rosalind Anne Segal, Michael Starnbach, Christopher A. Walsh, Christopher T. Walsh, and Gary Yellen.Middle Eastern Studies — Steven C. Caton (Chair – on leave), Edward Roger Owen (acting chair), Leila Ahmed (on leave), Ali S. A. Asani (on leave), Sugata Bose (on leave), Byron J. Good, Mary-Jo DelVecchio Good, William A. Graham Jr., Wolfhart P. Heinrichs (spring term), Michael Herzfeld, Engseng Ho, Cemal Kafadar, Miri Kubovy, Roy P. Mottahedeh, Afsaneh Najmabadi (spring term), G½lru Necipoglu-Kafadar, Dani Rodrik, David J. Roxburgh (fall term), A. Hashim Sarkis, Wheeler M. Thackston Jr., and Frank E. Vogel.Political Economy and Government, Higher Degrees In — Torben Iversen (Chair – on leave fall term), Christopher N. Avery (on leave), Robert H. Bates, Daniel Carpenter, Suzanne J. Cooper, Jeffry Frieden, Edward L. Glaeser, Elhanan Helpman, Michael J. Hiscox, William Hogan (ex officio), David I. Laibson (spring term), Nolan H. Miller, Joseph P. Newhouse, Dwight H. Perkins, Kevin Quinn, John Mark Ramseyer, Dani Rodrik, Kenneth Rogoff, Alvin E. Roth, Kenneth A. Shepsle (on leave), Beth Simmons, Robert N. Stavins, and Richard J. Zeckhauser.Public Health Sciences, Higher Degrees In — James Hutchinson Ware (Chair), Bruce Demple, Thomas O. Fox, Laurie H. Glimcher, J. Woodland Hastings, Stephen W. Lagakos, Nan M. Laird, Xiao-Li Meng, Carl N. Morris (spring term), and Dyann F. Wirth.Doctor of Philosophy in Biological Sciences in Public Health — Dyann F. Wirth (Chair), Joseph D. Brain, Bruce Demple, Raymond L. Erikson (fall term), Myron E. Essex, Thomas O. Fox, Laurie H. Glimcher, J. Woodland Hastings, Bjorn R. Olsen, and Walter C. Willett.Doctor of Philosophy in Biostatistics — Stephen W. Lagakos (Chair), Nan Laird, Xiao-Li Meng, Carl N. Morris (spring term), James H. Ware. Public Policy — William Hogan (Chair), Arthur I. Applbaum, Iris Bohnet, William C. Clark, Pepper D. Culpepper, David T. Ellwood, Jeffrey Frankel, Ricardo Hausmann, Brian Jacob, Sheila Jasanoff, Christopher Jencks (on leave), Joseph P. Kalt (on leave), Robert Lawrence, Robert D. Putnam, Dani Rodrik, Mark Rosenzweig, Robert N. Stavins, Monica D. Toft, and Richard J. Zeckhauser.Regional Studies — East Asia, A.M. Degree in — David R. McCann (acting chair), Mikael Adolphson, Daniel Vernon Botsman, Sun Joo Kim, and David Wang.Regional Studies — Russia, Eastern Europe, and Central Asia, A.M. Degree In — Timothy J. Colton (Chair), Julie A. Buckler, Patricia Rowe Chaput (on leave), Grzegorz Ekiert, Michael S. Flier, George G. Grabowicz, Yoshiko M. Herrera, John E. Malmstad, Terry Martin, James R. Russell, Stephanie Sandler, and William Mills Todd III (on leave). Social Policy, Higher Degrees In — Jeffrey Liebman (chair), David T. Ellwood, Jennifer L. Hochschild (fall term), Torben Iversen (fall term), Theda Skocpol, Christopher Jencks (on leave), William J. Wilson, and Christopher Winship (spring term).Systems Biology, Degree of Doctor of Philosophy In — Pamela Silver (chair), Michael P. Brenner, Lewis Cantley, Daniel S. Fisher, Walter Fontana, Jeremy Gunawardena, Stephen C. Harrison, Marc Kirshner, Galit Lahav, Eric Lander, Lakshminarayanan Mahadevan, Tim Mitchison, Vamsi Mootha, Andrew W. Murray, Radhika Nagpal, Martin Nowak, Erin O’Shea, Kevin Parker, Tom Rapoport, Xiaoliang Sunney Xie, and Xiaowei Zhuang. Instructional Program CommitteesCore Program — William C. Kirby (Chair), Jeffry Frieden, Benedict H. Gross (ex officio), Thomas F. Kelly, Robert P. Kirshner, John E. Malmstad, Richard Tuck, and Laurel Thatcher Ulrich. Core Program — Subcommittee on Expository Writing — Benedict H. Gross (Chair), Gordon C. Harvey (ex officio), John Huth, Stephen M. Kosslyn, Susan Lewis (ex officio), David R. McCann, and Nancy Sommers (ex officio). Core Program — Subcommittee on Foreign Cultures — John E. Malmstad (Chair), Diana L. Eck, Stanley Hoffmann (spring term), Orlando Patterson (spring term), Eric Rentschler, Mary M. Steedly, Hue-Tam Ho Tai, and Martin K. Whyte (spring term). Core Program — Subcommittee on Historical Study — Laurel Thatcher Ulrich (Chair), Andrew D. Gordon, Angeliki E. Laiou (on leave), Edward Roger Owen, and Katherine Park. Core Program — Subcommittee on Literature and the Arts — Thomas F. Kelly (Chair), Jeffrey F. Hambuger, Robert Kiely, John E. Malmstad, Ingrid Monson, Lino Petile, David J. Roxburgh (fall term), John Stauffer, and Ruth Roskies Wisse. Core Program — Subcommittee on Quantitative Reasoning — Jeffry Frieden (Chair), William H. Bossert, Michael P. Brenner, John Y. Campbell, Alyssa A. Goodman, Joseph D. Harris, Lisa L. Martin, Carl N. Morris (spring term), and Christopher Winship (spring term). Core Program — Subcommittee on Science — Robert P. Kirshner (Chair), Gary J. Feldman, David A. Haig, Farish A. Jenkins Jr., Michael B. McElroy, Maryellen Ruvolo, and George M. Whitesides. Core Program — Subcommittee on Social Analysis and Moral Reasoning — Richard Tuck (Chair). Theda Skocpol, Jennifer L. Hochschild, Jill M. Hooley, Michael J. Sandel, Thomas Scanlon, and Dennis Thompson.Dramatics — Robert Kiely (Chair), Elizabeth Bergmann, Marjorie Garber, Jorie Graham, Elizabeth Lyman, John C. Megan (ex officio), Brighde Mullins, Robert J. Orchard (ex officio), Peter Sacks, Elaine Scarry, and Robert Woodruff (ex officio). Freshman Seminars — Georgene Herschbach (Chair), Julie A. Buckler, Gerard Denault (ex officio), Virginie Greene, Joseph C. Harris (on leave), J. Woodland Hastings, J.W. Hutchinson, David I. Laibson (spring term), Lisa L. Martin, Sandra Naddaff (ex officio), and Jeffrey Wolcowitz.Medieval Studies — Nicholas Watson (Chair), Fran¡ois Bovon Jr., Daniel G. Donoghue, John Duffy, Michael S. Flier, Jeffrey F. Hamburger, Seamus Heaney, Ioli Kalavrezou, Thomas F. Kelly, Angeliki E. Laiou (on leave), John E. Murdoch, Tom s ¾ Cathasaigh, Katharine Park, Bernard Septimus (spring term), William James Simpson (spring term), Christine Smith, William P. Stoneman, Richard J. Tarrant, Hugo van der Velden, and Jan M. Ziolkowski (on leave).Ukrainian Studies — Michael S. Flier (Chair), Patricia Rowe Chaput (on leave), Timothy J. Colton, Grzegorz Ekiert, George G. Grabowicz, and Terry Martin.InterdisciplinaryCoordinating CommitteesAfrican Studies — Emmanuel Akyeampong (Chair – on leave), Francis Abiola Irele (acting chair), Rawi Abdelal, Leila Ahmed (on leave), Ali S. A. Asani (on leave), Robert H. Bates, Suzanne Blier (on leave), Prudence Carter, Felton James Earls III, Caroline M. Elkins, Majid Ezzati, Wafaie Fawzi, Deborah D. Foster, Henry Louis Gates Jr., Suzanne Grant Lewis, Allan G. Hill, Calestous Juma, Saidi Kapiga, Michael Kremer (on leave), Nike Lawal, Harry S. Martin III, J. Lorand Matory (spring term), Ingrid Monson, John Mugane, Matthias Sch½ndeln, Kay K. Shelemay, Debora Spar, Paul Stopforth, Lucie E. White, and Richard K. Wolf.Archaeology — Gary Urton (Chair – on leave), Suzanne Blier (on leave), William L. Fash, Ioli Kalavrezou, C.C. Lamberg-Karlovsky, Peter B. Machinist, Richard H. Meadow (acting chair), Lawrence E. Stager, and Irene J. Winter.Asian Studies, Council On — Anthony Saich (Chair), William P. Alford, Theodore C. Bestor, Homi K. Bhaba, Barry R, Bloom, Peter Bol, Harold Bolitho, Sugata Bose (on leave), Mary C. Brinton, James Cheng, Diana L. Eck, Carter J. Eckert, Mark Elliot, Shengli Feng, Andrew D. Gordon, Janet Gyatso, Helen Hardacre, William Hsiao, Wilt Lukas Idema (on leave), Akira Iriye, Wesley M. Jacobsen, William C, Kirby, Arthur M. Kleinman, Wai-yee Li, Roderick MacFarquhar, David R. McCann, Michael B. McElroy, F. Warren McFarlan, Anne E. Monius, Robert Dean Mowry, Stephen Owen, D.H. Perkins, Elizabeth J. Perry, Susan J. Pharr (spring term), Michael J. Puett, John Mark Ramseyer, Peter G. Rowe, Mary M, Steedly, Hue-Tam Ho Tai, Wei-ming Tu, Leonard W.J. van der Kuijp, Richard H.K. Vietor, Eugene Yuejin Wang, James L. Watson, Rubie S. Watson, and Martin K. Whyte. Ethnic Studies — Kay K. Shelemay (Chair), Ali S. A. Asani (on leave), Theodore C. Bestor, Lisa T. Brooks, Vincent Brown (on leave), Joyce Elizabeth Chaplin, Kimberly DaCosta, Deborah D. Foster, William E. Granara, Jennifer L. Hochschild (fall term), MichÀle Lamont (fall term), Susan Lewis, Carmen Lopez, Malinda Mowery, Marc Shell, Werner Sollors, and Lucien Taylor.European Studies — Peter A. Hall (Chair), Suzanne D. Berger, David G. Blackbourn, Peter J. Burgard (on leave), Pepper D. Culpepper, Grzegorz Ekiert, Niall Ferguson, Laura Frader, Guido G. Goldman, Peter Eli Gordon (on leave), Patrice Higonnet, Stanley Hoffmann (spring term), Torben Iversen (fall term), MichÀle Lamont (fall term), Mary D. Lewis (spring term), Charles S. Maier, George Ross, Cindy Skach, Theda Skocpol, Tony Smith, Judith Surkis, and Daniel Ziblatt (on leave).Latin American and Iberian Studies — John H. Coatsworth (Chair), Luis C rcamo-Huechante (on leave), Joaquim-Francisco Coelho, Thomas Cummins, Jorge DomÃnguez, Bradley S. Epps (on leave), Brian D. Farrell, William L. Fash, Luis Fern ndez-Cifuentes (spring term), Jeffry Frieden, Mary M. Gaylord, James Hanken, N. Michele Holbrook, Steven Levitsky (fall term), J. Lorand Matory (spring term), Jos» Antonio Mazzotti, Donald H. Pfister (on leave), James Robinson, Doris Sommer, Diana Sorensen, Gary Urton (on leave), and John Womack Jr.Mind, Brain, and Behavior — John E. Dowling (Co-Chair), Richard W. Wrangham (Co-Chair), John A. Assad, Mahzarin Banaji, Cedric Boeckx, Susan E. Carey, Verne Caviness Jr., Peter T. Ellison (on leave), Florian Engert, Kurt Fischer, Albert M. Galaburda, Howard Gardner, David A. Haig, Anne Harrington, Marc D. Hauser, Jill M. Hooley, C.-T. James Huang, Kenneth S. Kosik, Edward A. Kravitz, Jeffery Lichtman, Richard J. McNally, Venkatesh N. Murthy, Avrom J. Pfeffer, Naomi E. Pierce (on leave), Steven Pinker, Maryellen Ruvolo (fall term), Joshua Sanes, Susanna Siegel, Elizabeth S. Spelke, Garrett B. Stanley, Robert A. Stickgold, and Mark J. Tramo.Oceanography — Eli Tziperman (Chair), James J. McCarthy, and Daniel P. Schrag.South Asian Studies — Sugata Bose* (Chair – on leave), Ali S. A. Asani (on leave), Homi K. Bhabha*, Lincoln Chen, Diana L. Eck, Rena Fonseca, William A. Graham Jr., Engseng Ho, Smita Lahiri, Roderick MacFarquhar, Parimal Patil (on leave), Peter P. Rogers, Amartya Sen*, Sharmila Sen, Ajantha Subramanian (on leave), Leonard W. J. van der Kuijp, Michael Witzel, Richard K. Wolf, and Nur Yalman*.Faculty Research CommitteesFaculty Research Support — William C. Kirby (Chair, ex officio), Daniel G. Donoghue, John Duffy, Gñran A. Ekstrñm, Deena Giancotti, and Rebecca Wasserman.Research Policy — John Peter Huchra (Chair), Alfonso Caramazza (ex officio), Jeffry Frieden (ex officio), Farish A. Jenkins Jr. (ex officio), Jeremy Bloxham, Roger W. Brockett, Gary J. Feldman, Dean R. Gallant, Roy G. Gordon, Bertran I. Halperin, Caroline M. Hoxby, Jeremy R. Knowles, Stephen M. Kosslyn, Peter V. Marsden, Nancy L. Maull, Andrew P. McMahon, Mara Prentiss, and Christopher Stubbs.Use of Animals in Research — Daniel E. Lieberman (Chair), Andrew Austin Biewener, Peter Brown, Dean R. Gallant, Farish A. Jenkins Jr., Arthur L. Lage, Ellyn M. Lane, Jeff Lichtman, David Mooney, Jay L. Taft, and Laura Mayer**.Use of Human Subjects in Research — Alfonso Caramazza (Chair), Dean Gallant ([Executive Officer]), Matthew Alper, James C. Beck, Earl Bracker, Patrick Cavanagh, Nancy Katz, Barbara A. Pan, Joel L. Siner, Toni Wegner, Kenneth L. Carson**, Robert C. Hilton**, Jane B. Calhoun (Research Officer), Elisabeth Parrott.Undergraduate CommitteesAdmissions and Financial Aid in Harvard College — William R. Fitzsimmons (Chair), Benedict H. Gross (ex officio), Marlyn McGrath Lewis (ex officio), James G. Anderson, Paul Barreira, Michael P. Brenner, Rory Browne, Thomas A. Dingman, Sarah Clark Donahue, John E. Dowling, Mary M. Gaylord, J. Woodland Hastings, Akira Iriye, Harry R. Lewis, David R. McCann, James J. McCarthy, Venkatesh Narayanamurti, Richard J. O’Connell, John P. Reardon Jr., David S. Rosenthal, Robert L. Scalise, Wilfried Schmid, Nancy Sommers, Frans A. Spaepen, John Stauffer, Steven C. Wofsy, and Robert M. Woollacott.Advising and Counseling — David Pilbeam (Chair), Marie Dahleh (ex officio), Thomas A. Dingman (ex officio), Patricia O’Brien (ex officio), Anya Bernstein, Rory Browne, Daniel G. Donoghue, Jay M. Harris, J.W. Hutchinson, Sandra Nadaff, Donald H. Pfister, Catherine Shapiro, Stuart M. Shieber, Greg Tucci, and Diane Weinstein. Undergraduate CommitteesArts, Council on The — Robert Kiely (Chair), Elizabeth Bergmann, S. Allen Counter Jr., Deborah D. Foster, Jorie Graham, Christopher Killip, Annette Lemieux, Cathleen McCormick, John C. Megan, Robert J. Orchard, Marcus Stern, and John Stewart.Athletic Sports — Michael D. Smith (Chair – spring term), Robert L. Scalise (ex officio), Joseph L. Badaracco Jr., Thomas A. Dingman, William R. Fitzsimmons, Benjamin M. Friedman, Paul Gompers, William A. Graham Jr., Jerry R. Green, Jill M. Hooley, James J. McCarthy, Leah McIntosh, John P. Reardon Jr., and David S. Rosenthal.Education Abroad — John H. Coatsworth (Chair), Jane Edwards (ex officio), Patricia O’Brien (ex officio), Sugata Bose (on leave), Carter J. Eckert, Grzegorz Ekiert, Brian D. Farrell, Luis Fern ndez-Cifuentes (spring term), William E. Granara, Francis Abiola Irele, Cl»mence Jout-Pastr», James J. McCarthy, Elisa New, and Howard Stone.Public Service — Richard F. Thomas (Chair), Dorothy Austin, Bradley S. Epps (on leave), Marshall L. Ganz, Judith H. Kidd, Doris Sommer, Richard Wilson, and Christopher Winship. Administrative CommitteesBenefitsBowdoin Prizes, Administration Of — James D. Wilkinson (Chair), Steven Biel.Commencement Parts — Richard J. Tarrant (Chair), members to be announcedContinuing Education — Barry C. Mazur (Chair), Patricia Rowe Chaput (on leave), Warren D. Goldfarb, Andrew H. Knoll, Christie McDonald, Gregory Nagy, Steven E. Ozment (spring term), Elaine Scarry.General Scholarships and the Sheldon Fund — The Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences (Chair), the Deans of the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences and the Division of Engineering and Applied Sciences, and the Deans of the Faculties of Business Administration, Dental Medicine, Design, Divinity, Education, Government, Law, Medicine, and Public Health.Information Technology — J. Richard Hackman (Chair), Peter Bol, Nancy Cline, Howard Georgi III, Craig Hunter, Thomas Kelly, Gary King, H. T. Kung, Henry Leitner, Lawrence Levine, Robert Lue, Nancy Maull, Daniel Moriarty, Patricia O’Brien, and Christopher Stubbs.Library — Sidney Verba (Chair), Farish A. Jenkins (co-chair), and Nancy Cline (ex officio), Janet Beizer (spring term), Theodore C. Bestor, Ann M. Blair, Kathleen M. Coleman (on leave), Timothy J. Colton, James T. Engell, Mary M. Gaylord, Jeffrey F. Hamburger, Wilt Lukas Idema, Leah McIntosh (on leave), Ingrid Monson, Stephanie Sandler, and Stuart M. Shieber. Pedagogical Improvement — Laurel Thatcher Ulrich (Chair), Deborah D. Foster (ex officio), James D. Wilkinson (ex officio), Thomas F. Kelly, Richard Light, Robert Lue, Xiao-Li Meng, and Patricia O’Brien.Privacy, Accessibility, and Security of Records — Harvey C. Mansfield Jr. (Chair).Professional Conduct — Jeffry Frieden (Chair), Gary J. Feldman, Philip James Fisher, Richard M. Losick (on leave), Paul C. Martin (fall term), Nancy L. Rosenblum (on leave), John H. Shaw (begins January 2006), Gregory L. Verdine. Science Center, Executive Committee Of The — Lisa Randall (Chair), members to be announced.Women — Lisa L. Martin (Chair), Theda Skocpol (ex officio), Benedict H. Gross (ex officio), Mahzarin Banaji, Caroline Elkins, Drew Gilpin Faust, Nicola Fuchs-Schuendeln, Virginie Greene, Caroline M. Hoxby, Susan Lewis, Katharine Park, Margo I. Seltzer, Kay K. Shelemay, Susanna Siegel, Mary M. Steedly, and Rebecca Wassarman.+ Study of Religion supervises both graduate and undergraduate degree programs, but to avoid double counting, it is listed only under Curricular Committees — Undergraduate Degree Programs.* Executive Committee** Community Representative[ ] Committee nonvoterc Policy — William Hogan (Chair), Arthur I. Applbaum, Iris Bohnet, William C. Clark, Pepper D. Culpepper, David T. Ellwood, Jeffrey Frankel, Ricardo Hausmann, Brian Jacob, Sheila Jasanoff, Christopher Jencks (on leave), Joseph P. Kalt (on leave), Robert Lawrence, Robert D. Putnam, Dani Rodrik, Mark Rosenzweig, Robert N. Stavins, Monica D. Toft, and Richard J. Zeckhauser.Regional Studies — East Asia, A.M. Degree in — David R. McCann (acting chair), Mikael Adolphson, Daniel Vernon Botsman, Sun Joo Kim, and David Wang.Regional Studies — Russia, Eastern Europe, and Central Asia, A.M. Degree In — Timothy J. Colton (Chair), Julie A. Buckler, Patricia Rowe Chaput (on leave), Grzegorz Ekiert, Michael S. Flier, George G. Grabowicz, Yoshiko M. Herrera, John E. Malmstad, Terry Martin, James R. Russell, Stephanie Sandler, and William Mills Todd III (on leave). Social Policy, Higher Degrees In — Jeffrey Liebman (chair), David T. Ellwood, Jennifer L. Hochschild (fall term), Torben Iversen (fall term), Theda Skocpol, Christopher Jencks (on leave), William J. Wilson, and Christopher Winship (spring term).Systems Biology, Degree of Doctor of Philosophy In — Pamela Silver (chair), Michael P. Brenner, Lewis Cantley, Daniel S. Fisher, Walter Fontana, Jeremy Gunawardena, Stephen C. Harrison, Marc Kirshner, Galit Lahav, Eric Lander, Lakshminarayanan Mahadevan, Tim Mitchison, Vamsi Mootha, Andrew W. Murray, Radhika Nagpal, Martin Nowak, Erin O’Shea, Kevin Parker, Tom Rapoport, Xiaoliang Sunney Xie, and Xiaowei Zhuang. Instructional Program CommitteesCore Program — William C. Kirby (Chair), Jeffry Frieden, Benedict H. Gross (ex officio), Thomas F. Kelly, Robert P. Kirshner, John E. Malmstad, Richard Tuck, and Laurel Thatcher Ulrich. Core Program — Subcommittee on Expository Writing — Benedict H. Gross (Chair), Gordon C. Harvey (ex officio), John Huth, Stephen M. Kosslyn, Susan Lewis (ex officio), David R. McCann, and Nancy Sommers (ex officio). Core Program — Subcommittee on Foreign Cultures — John E. Malmstad (Chair), Diana L. Eck, Stanley Hoffmann (spring term), Orlando Patterson (spring term), Eric Rentschler, Mary M. Steedly, Hue-Tam Ho Tai, and Martin K. Whyte (spring term). Core Program — Subcommittee on Historical Study — Laurel Thatcher Ulrich (Chair), Andrew D. Gordon, Angeliki E. Laiou (on leave), Edward Roger Owen, and Katherine Park. Core Program — Subcommittee on Literature and the Arts — Thomas F. Kelly (Chair), Jeffrey F. Hambuger, Robert Kiely, John E. Malmstad, Ingrid Monson, Lino Petile, David J. Roxburgh (fall term), John Stauffer, and Ruth Roskies Wisse. Core Program — Subcommittee on Quantitative Reasoning — Jeffry Frieden (Chair), William H. Bossert, Michael P. Brenner, John Y. Campbell, Alyssa A. Goodman, Joseph D. Harris, Lisa L. Martin, Carl N. Morris (spring term), and Christopher Winship (spring term). Core Program — Subcommittee on Science — Robert P. Kirshner (Chair), Gary J. Feldman, David A. Haig, Farish A. Jenkins Jr., Michael B. McElroy, Maryellen Ruvolo, and George M. Whitesides. Core Program — Subcommittee on Social Analysis and Moral Reasoning — Richard Tuck (Chair). Theda Skocpol, Jennifer L. Hochschild, Jill M. Hooley, Michael J. Sandel, Thomas Scanlon, and Dennis Thompson.Dramatics — Robert Kiely (Chair), Elizabeth Bergmann, Marjorie Garber, Jorie Graham, Elizabeth Lyman, John C. Megan (ex officio), Brighde Mullins, Robert J. Orchard (ex officio), Peter Sacks, Elaine Scarry, and Robert Woodruff (ex officio). Freshman Seminars — Georgene Herschbach (Chair), Julie A. Buckler, Gerard Denault (ex officio), Virginie Greene, Joseph C. Harris (on leave), J. Woodland Hastings, J.W. Hutchinson, David I. Laibson (spring term), Lisa L. Martin, Sandra Naddaff (ex officio), and Jeffrey Wolcowitz.Medieval Studies — Nicholas Watson (Chair), Fran¡ois Bovon Jr., Daniel G. Donoghue, John Duffy, Michael S. Flier, Jeffrey F. Hamburger, Seamus Heaney, Ioli Kalavrezou, Thomas F. Kelly, Angeliki E. Laiou (on leave), John E. Murdoch, Tom s ¾ Cathasaigh, Katharine Park, Bernard Septimus (spring term), William James Simpson (spring term), Christine Smith, William P. Stoneman, Richard J. Tarrant, Hugo van der Velden, and Jan M. Ziolkowski (on leave).Ukrainian Studies — Michael S. Flier (Chair), Patricia Rowe Chaput (on leave), Timothy J. Colton, Grzegorz Ekiert, George G. Grabowicz, and Terry Martin.InterdisciplinaryCoordinating CommitteesAfrican Studies — Emmanuel Akyeampong (Chair – on leave), Francis Abiola Irele (acting chair), Rawi Abdelal, Leila Ahmed (on leave), Ali S. A. Asani (on leave), Robert H. Bates, Suzanne Blier (on leave), Prudence Carter, Felton James Earls III, Caroline M. Elkins, Majid Ezzati, Wafaie Fawzi, Deborah D. Foster, Henry Louis Gates Jr., Suzanne Grant Lewis, Allan G. Hill, Calestous Juma, Saidi Kapiga, Michael Kremer (on leave), Nike Lawal, Harry S. Martin III, J. Lorand Matory (spring term), Ingrid Monson, John Mugane, Matthias Sch½ndeln, Kay K. Shelemay, Debora Spar, Paul Stopforth, Lucie E. White, and Richard K. Wolf.Archaeology — Gary Urton (Chair – on leave), Suzanne Blier (on leave), William L. Fash, Ioli Kalavrezou, C.C. Lamberg-Karlovsky, Peter B. Machinist, Richard H. Meadow (acting chair), Lawrence E. Stager, and Irene J. Winter.Asian Studies, Council On — Anthony Saich (Chair), William P. Alford, Theodore C. Bestor, Homi K. Bhaba, Barry R, Bloom, Peter Bol, Harold Bolitho, Sugata Bose (on leave), Mary C. Brinton, James Cheng, Diana L. Eck, Carter J. Eckert, Mark Elliot, Shengli Feng, Andrew D. Gordon, Janet Gyatso, Helen Hardacre, William Hsiao, Wilt Lukas Idema (on leave), Akira Iriye, Wesley M. Jacobsen, William C, Kirby, Arthur M. Kleinman, Wai-yee Li, Roderick MacFarquhar, David R. McCann, Michael B. McElroy, F. Warren McFarlan, Anne E. Monius, Robert Dean Mowry, Stephen Owen, D.H. Perkins, Elizabeth J. Perry, Susan J. Pharr (spring term), Michael J. Puett, John Mark Ramseyer, Peter G. Rowe, Mary M, Steedly, Hue-Tam Ho Tai, Wei-ming Tu, Leonard W.J. van der Kuijp, Richard H.K. Vietor, Eugene Yuejin Wang, James L. Watson, Rubie S. Watson, and Martin K. Whyte. Ethnic Studies — Kay K. Shelemay (Chair), Ali S. A. Asani (on leave), Theodore C. Bestor, Lisa T. Brooks, Vincent Brown (on leave), Joyce Elizabeth Chaplin, Kimberly DaCosta, Deborah D. Foster, William E. Granara, Jennifer L. Hochschild (fall term), MichÀle Lamont (fall term), Susan Lewis, Carmen Lopez, Malinda Mowery, Marc Shell, Werner Sollors, and Lucien Taylor.European Studies — Peter A. Hall (Chair), Suzanne D. Berger, David G. Blackbourn, Peter J. Burgard (on leave), Pepper D. Culpepper, Grzegorz Ekiert, Niall Ferguson, Laura Frader, Guido G. Goldman, Peter Eli Gordon (on leave), Patrice Higonnet, Stanley Hoffmann (spring term), Torben Iversen (fall term), MichÀle Lamont (fall term), Mary D. Lewis (spring term), Charles S. Maier, George Ross, Cindy Skach, Theda Skocpol, Tony Smith, Judith Surkis, and Daniel Ziblatt (on leave).Latin American and Iberian Studies — John H. Coatsworth (Chair), Luis C rcamo-Huechante (on leave), Joaquim-Francisco Coelho, Thomas Cummins, Jorge DomÃnguez, Bradley S. Epps (on leave), Brian D. Farrell, William L. Fash, Luis Fern ndez-Cifuentes (spring term), Jeffry Frieden, Mary M. Gaylord, James Hanken, N. Michele Holbrook, Steven Levitsky (fall term), J. Lorand Matory (spring term), Jos» Antonio Mazzotti, Donald H. Pfister (on leave), James Robinson, Doris Sommer, Diana Sorensen, Gary Urton (on leave), and John Womack Jr.Mind, Brain, and Behavior — John E. Dowling (Co-Chair), Richard W. Wrangham (Co-Chair), John A. Assad, Mahzarin Banaji, Cedric Boeckx, Susan E. Carey, Verne Caviness Jr., Peter T. Ellison (on leave), Florian Engert, Kurt Fischer, Albert M. Galaburda, Howard Gardner, David A. Haig, Anne Harrington, Marc D. Hauser, Jill M. Hooley, C.-T. James Huang, Kenneth S. Kosik, Edward A. Kravitz, Jeffery Lichtman, Richard J. McNally, Venkatesh N. Murthy, Avrom J. Pfeffer, Naomi E. Pierce (on leave), Steven Pinker, Maryellen Ruvolo (fall term), Joshua Sanes, Susanna Siegel, Elizabeth S. Spelke, Garrett B. Stanley, Robert A. Stickgold, and Mark J. Tramo.Oceanography — Eli Tziperman (Chair), James J. McCarthy, and Daniel P. Schrag.South Asian Studies — Sugata Bose* (Chair – on leave), Ali S. A. Asani (on leave), Homi K. Bhabha*, Lincoln Chen, Diana L. Eck, Rena Fonseca, William A. Graham Jr., Engseng Ho, Smita Lahiri, Roderick MacFarquhar, Parimal Patil (on leave), Peter P. Rogers, Amartya Sen*, Sharmila Sen, Ajantha Subramanian (on leave), Leonard W. J. van der Kuijp, Michael Witzel, Richard K. Wolf, and Nur Yalman*.Faculty Research CommitteesFaculty Research Support — William C. Kirby (Chair, ex officio), Daniel G. Donoghue, John Duffy, Gñran A. Ekstrñm, Deena Giancotti, and Rebecca Wasserman.Research Policy — John Peter Huchra (Chair), Alfonso Caramazza (ex officio), Jeffry Frieden (ex officio), Farish A. Jenkins Jr. (ex officio), Jeremy Bloxham, Roger W. Brockett, Gary J. Feldman, Dean R. Gallant, Roy G. Gordon, Bertran I. Halperin, Caroline M. Hoxby, Jeremy R. Knowles, Stephen M. Kosslyn, Peter V. Marsden, Nancy L. Maull, Andrew P. McMahon, Mara Prentiss, and Christopher Stubbs.Use of Animals in Research — Daniel E. Lieberman (Chair), Andrew Austin Biewener, Peter Brown, Dean R. Gallant, Farish A. Jenkins Jr., Arthur L. Lage, Ellyn M. Lane, Jeff Lichtman, David Mooney, Jay L. Taft, and Laura Mayer**.Use of Human Subjects in Research — Alfonso Caramazza (Chair), Dean Gallant ([Executive Officer]), Matthew Alper, James C. Beck, Earl Bracker, Patrick Cavanagh, Nancy Katz, Barbara A. Pan, Joel L. Siner, Toni Wegner, Kenneth L. Carson**, Robert C. Hilton**, Jane B. Calhoun (Research Officer), Elisabeth Parrott.Undergraduate CommitteesAdmissions and Financial Aid in Harvard College — William R. Fitzsimmons (Chair), Benedict H. Gross (ex officio), Marlyn McGrath Lewis (ex officio), James G. Anderson, Paul Barreira, Michael P. Brenner, Rory Browne, Thomas A. Dingman, Sarah Clark Donahue, John E. Dowling, Mary M. Gaylord, J. Woodland Hastings, Akira Iriye, Harry R. Lewis, David R. McCann, James J. McCarthy, Venkatesh Narayanamurti, Richard J. O’Connell, John P. Reardon Jr., David S. Rosenthal, Robert L. Scalise, Wilfried Schmid, Nancy Sommers, Frans A. Spaepen, John Stauffer, Steven C. Wofsy, and Robert M. Woollacott.Advising and Counseling — David Pilbeam (Chair), Marie Dahleh (ex officio), Thomas A. Dingman (ex officio), Patricia O’Brien (ex officio), Anya Bernstein, Rory Browne, Daniel G. Donoghue, Jay M. Harris, J.W. Hutchinson, Sandra Nadaff, Donald H. Pfister, Catherine Shapiro, Stuart M. Shieber, Greg Tucci, and Diane Weinstein. Undergraduate CommitteesArts, Council on The — Robert Kiely (Chair), Elizabeth Bergmann, S. Allen Counter Jr., Deborah D. Foster, Jorie Graham, Christopher Killip, Annette Lemieux, Cathleen McCormick, John C. Megan, Robert J. Orchard, Marcus Stern, and John Stewart.Athletic Sports — Michael D. Smith (Chair – spring term), Robert L. Scalise (ex officio), Joseph L. Badaracco Jr., Thomas A. Dingman, William R. Fitzsimmons, Benjamin M. Friedman, Paul Gompers, William A. Graham Jr., Jerry R. Green, Jill M. Hooley, James J. McCarthy, Leah McIntosh, John P. Reardon Jr., and David S. Rosenthal.Education Abroad — John H. Coatsworth (Chair), Jane Edwards (ex officio), Patricia O’Brien (ex officio), Sugata Bose (on leave), Carter J. Eckert, Grzegorz Ekiert, Brian D. Farrell, Luis Fern ndez-Cifuentes (spring term), William E. Granara, Francis Abiola Irele, Cl»mence Jout-Pastr», James J. McCarthy, Elisa New, and Howard Stone.Public Service — Richard F. Thomas (Chair), Dorothy Austin, Bradley S. Epps (on leave), Marshall L. Ganz, Judith H. Kidd, Doris Sommer, Richard Wilson, and Christopher Winship. Administrative CommitteesBenefitsBowdoin Prizes, Administration Of — James D. Wilkinson (Chair), Steven Biel.Commencement Parts — Richard J. Tarrant (Chair), members to be announcedContinuing Education — Barry C. Mazur (Chair), Patricia Rowe Chaput (on leave), Warren D. Goldfarb, Andrew H. Knoll, Christie McDonald, Gregory Nagy, Steven E. Ozment (spring term), Elaine Scarry.General Scholarships and the Sheldon Fund — The Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences (Chair), the Deans of the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences and the Division of Engineering and Applied Sciences, and the Deans of the Faculties of Business Administration, Dental Medicine, Design, Divinity, Education, Government, Law, Medicine, and Public Health.Information Technology — J. Richard Hackman (Chair), Peter Bol, Nancy Cline, Howard Georgi III, Craig Hunter, Thomas Kelly, Gary King, H. T. Kung, Henry Leitner, Lawrence Levine, Robert Lue, Nancy Maull, Daniel Moriarty, Patricia O’Brien, and Christopher Stubbs.Library — Sidney Verba (Chair), Farish A. Jenkins (co-chair), and Nancy Cline (ex officio), Janet Beizer (spring term), Theodore C. Bestor, Ann M. Blair, Kathleen M. Coleman (on leave), Timothy J. Colton, James T. Engell, Mary M. Gaylord, Jeffrey F. Hamburger, Wilt Lukas Idema, Leah McIntosh (on leave), Ingrid Monson, Stephanie Sandler, and Stuart M. Shieber. Pedagogical Improvement — Laurel Thatcher Ulrich (Chair), Deborah D. Foster (ex officio), James D. Wilkinson (ex officio), Thomas F. Kelly, Richard Light, Robert Lue, Xiao-Li Meng, and Patricia O’Brien.Privacy, Accessibility, and Security of Records — Harvey C. Mansfield Jr. (Chair).Professional Conduct — Jeffry Frieden (Chair), Gary J. Feldman, Philip James Fisher, Richard M. Losick (on leave), Paul C. Martin (fall term), Nancy L. Rosenblum (on leave), John H. Shaw (begins January 2006), Gregory L. Verdine. Science Center, Executive Committee Of The — Lisa Randall (Chair), members to be announced.Women — Lisa L. Martin (Chair), Theda Skocpol (ex officio), Benedict H. Gross (ex officio), Mahzarin Banaji, Caroline Elkins, Drew Gilpin Faust, Nicola Fuchs-Schuendeln, Virginie Greene, Caroline M. Hoxby, Susan Lewis, Katharine Park, Margo I. Seltzer, Kay K. Shelemay, Susanna Siegel, Mary M. Steedly, and Rebecca Wassarman.+ Study of Religion supervises both graduate and undergraduate degree programs, but to avoid double counting, it is listed only under Curricular Committees — Undergraduate Degree Programs.* Executive Committee** Community Representative[ ] Committee nonvoter