Campus & Community

Kissel Grants for ethics research available to undergrads

2 min read

The Edmond J. Safra Foundation Center for Ethics recently announced that Harvard College students are eligible to apply for a Lester Kissel Grant in Practical Ethics to support research and writing that makes contributions to the understanding of practical ethics. A number of grants will be awarded on a competitive basis for projects to be conducted during the summer of 2006. The projects may involve research for senior theses, case studies for use in courses, essays or articles for publication, or similar scholarly endeavors that explore issues in practical ethics.

The grant provides the recipient with an award of up to $3,000, which can be used to cover expenses or as a stipend to enable recipients to pursue research in lieu of summer employment. Applications should include a description of the project and the applicant’s preparation for the project, a statement of the project’s potential value to the student and to the understanding of practical ethics, and a proposed budget.

The deadline for applications is March 1, 2006. Successful applicants will be expected to submit a progress report on Aug. 1, 2006, and a final report by Sept. 30, 2006, together with the product of the work.

For application forms or more information, contact Stephanie Dant at the Edmond J. Safra Foundation Center for Ethics at (617) 495-1336, or at, or visit the center’s Web site at

The Kissel Grants are made possible by a gift from the late Lester Kissel, a graduate of Harvard Law School and longtime benefactor of Harvard’s ethics programs and activities.