Campus & Community

Ready, set to help area homeless

2 min read

Avid athletes raise bar for selves, BHCHP

HMS relay
Team HMS members run sprints in the Medical School Quad for their upcoming Reach the Beach Relay. The group hopes to raise up to $10,000 for Boston’s homeless population. Members of the team are Eric Feins (from left), Benjamin Lange, Andrew Fuller, Gillian Fell, Hugh Auchincloss, William Soares (captain), Hannah Brown, Agnieszka Janisiewicz, Noah Stites-Hallett, Meagan Murphy, Lauren Gold, and Daniel Horton. All are Class of 2008. (Staff photos Jon Chase/Harvard News Office)

Somewhere between attending class, studying, and sleeping, a dozen Harvard Medical School (HMS) students have made the time to train for a 200-mile, 24-hour relay race from Bretton Woods, N.H., to the seacoast. So what drives these future docs to run laps through the itchy grass of the Medical School Quad so they can push and punish themselves across the Granite State? The homeless population of Boston, it turns out.

The group of 12 competing in this weekend’s Reach the Beach Relay (the event kicks off Friday, Sept. 16) is using the event as an opportunity to raise money for the Boston Healthcare for the Homeless Program (BHCHP). The runners (aka Team HMS) aim to raise between $5,000 and $10,000 for the organization, which is the largest of its type in the Bay State, providing health services to area homeless in 70 sites across Boston.

Relayist in training Agnieszka Janisiewicz takes on the treadmill at Vanderbilt Hall Gym. She is joined by Gillian Fell (far left) and Hugh Auchincloss.

During the relay, Team HMS will traverse 36 segments covering a variety of terrain and difficulty levels. Each HMS runner will average over 16 miles.

To make a donation, visit, or send a check to Reach the Beach Relay, Office of Student Affairs, HMS, 25 Shattuck St., Boston, MA 02115. Please make checks out to BHCHP.