HSPH announces new appointments
Dockery named new chair of Dept. of Environmental Health
Harvard Professor of Environmental Epidemiology Douglas Dockery has been named chair of the Department of Environmental Health at the Harvard School of Public Health (HSPH). The appointment went into effect Sept. 1.

Dockery succeeds Cecil K. and Philip Drinker Professor of Environmental Physiology Joseph Brain. Brain, who has served as chair since 1990, will continue his work in the Kresge Center for Environmental Health.
Dockery is internationally known for his innovative work in environmental epidemiology, most recently in pursuing the biological mechanisms underlying the relationship between air pollution and acute cardiovascular mortality and morbidity. He was one of the principal investigators of the renowned Six Cities Study of Air Pollution and Health. Dockery, who received his doctorate in environmental health at HSPH, has been a faculty member since 1987.
“This is an exciting and challenging time for environmental health, and we are confident that Doug will provide outstanding leadership of the department,” said Dean Barry Bloom. “We wish him every success in his new institutional role.”
Turnbull named assist. dean for educational programs
Nancy Turnbull of the Department of Health Policy and Management at HSPH has been named assistant dean for educational programs, a new position at the School targeted at refining and sustaining quality educational offerings.

“HSPH already offers top-notch curricula, but we want to ensure that the School is always a leading, international educator in public health,” said Turnbull. “I am looking forward to working closely with Dean Ware, Associate Dean Richard Monson, Assistant Dean Roberta Gianfortoni, and other colleagues to develop new approaches and strategies to improve the quality of our educational programs,” she concluded.
Throughout the coming months, Turnbull hopes to encourage discussion at the School that will develop educational priorities in such areas as alternative scheduling to minimize course conflicts, increased use of case-based learning, new approaches for student advising and mentoring, and better integration of public health practice into educational programs.
Also joining Turnbull in the Office for Professional Education will be Michelle Bell, formerly the administrative director of the Division of Public Health Practice. Bell will serve as project director on these efforts.
Clement named director of faculty development
Carolyn Dueck Clement has been tapped for a new position at HSPH as director of faculty development. The position, which became effective Aug. 1, is aimed at diversifying the School’s faculty, exploring the status of women faculty, and providing opportunities for academic career development. Clement, who worked as director of administration in the Department of Biostatistics for seven years, will report to the associate dean for academic affairs.
“The School’s faculty and administration are committed to enhancing our efforts in these areas,” said Clement. “I look forward to working with them, as well as with the University’s administration as we continue to move in positive directions.”
Clement will work with search committees and departments, and will aim to develop a network among academic leaders who can help identify top candidates. She will facilitate the HSPH Faculty Diversity Committee. One resource from which Clement hopes to draw has already been established at the School.
“The Yerby Postdoctoral Fellowship, which helps guide promising minority postdoctoral fellows toward faculty positions, is a good example of a program close to home to which we can look,” Clement said. Betty Johnson directs this program.
A key role that Clement will fulfill is that of HSPH’s administrative liaison to the Office of the Senior Vice Provost for Diversity and Faculty Development, in which she will disseminate information about new Harvard policies and procedures and collect data for related reports. She will also be chief liaison to the Office of the Special Assistant to the President.
Using recommendations from the Task Forces on Women established by the University in the spring, Clement will work with the Committee on the Concerns of Women at HSPH.
In addition, Clement will plan panel discussions on career development, help advance the junior faculty mentoring program, and develop the newly inaugurated faculty diversity lecture series and visiting professor program.
Krieger appointed professor
Nancy Krieger has been appointed professor of society, human development, and health in the Department of Society, Human Development, and Health at HSPH. She was formerly associate professor in that department.
Everette named associate dean for human resources
Carolyn Everette has been named associate dean for human resources at HSPH. She was formerly assistant dean for human resources at the School. Everette will continue to represent HSPH at the University level through her appointments to various committees. She serves on a tripartite Benefit Appeals committee, and recently was appointed to a committee on Allston Workforce Development Initiatives with members of the Offices of the Provost, Planning and Real Estate, and Human Resources.