Campus & Community

CES lists grants, fellowships, internships

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The Minda de Gunzburg Center for European Studies (CES) has announced its student grants and internships for the 2005-06 academic year. The center will support the projects of 52 undergraduate and graduate students with awards that total more than $320,000. In addition to funding research conducted abroad, CES has been working with Harvard alumni clubs in Europe and the WorldTeach organization to develop summer internships in Europe in order to encourage students to include an international experience as part of their Harvard education.

This year, 16 Harvard College students have been awarded summer travel grants to conduct research for their senior theses, funded by a generous grant from the Krupp Foundation. A list of the recipients, including their concentration and research, are as follows:

Morgan Arenson (history), “Changes in the Parisian Avant-Garde through an Examination of “L’après-midi d’un Faune”; Heather L. Brink-Roby (history and literature), “The Influence of Descriptive Natural History on Literary Realism in 19th Century Britain”; Piotr C. Brzezinski (social studies and Polish studies), “EU Structural Aid in Poland: Success or Failure?”; Carolyn A. Daly (history and science), “Research Dissemination of Nutrition Knowledge in France in the 1930s”; Andrea Gonzalez (social anthropology), “Transnational Illicit Trade Networks: The Displacement of Quecha-Speaking Peasants in a Parisian Prison”; Zachary D. Hale (social studies and philosophy), “Foucauldian Ethical Theory?”; Gwen E. Hochman (history and science), “Natural Philosophy in the London Popular Press”; Christopher R. Hughes (history and literature), “Urban Development in Paris and African Immigration”; Ivona Josipovic (government), “The Effectiveness of the EU’s Request for Cooperation with the ICTY for the Prospect of Croatian Membership”; Jessica M. Marglin (social studies), “The Effect of Colonialism and French Jewish Education on Jewish-Muslim Relations in North Africa, 1860-1912”; Ian T. McConnell (social studies), “The Reunification of the Old Mostar Gymnasium”; Radina Mihaleva (economics), “The Evolution of Household Wealth in Germany: Its Levels, Structure and Distribution”; Natasha Smalky (Romance languages and literature), “The Poetry and Music of Lorca”; Moira Weigel (Germanic languages and literature), “Theater and Culture in Early 19th Century Berlin”; Caitlin M. Zacharias (Germanic languages and literatures), “The Influence of Young Poets on the Literary Scene in Berlin”; and Linda Zou (government), “Anti-immigration Policy-making in Britain and France.”

CES has teamed up once again with WorldTeach to send Harvard undergraduates to teach English in Poland. Students stay with Polish host families in small towns and become integrated into the community through their work with high school students and other young adults. This year, CES is sponsoring the following students: Dahm Choi ’05 (history); Stephen Fee ’07 (social studies); Flora Lindsay-Herrera ’05 (history); Odeviz Soto ’07 (government); and Zdenka Sturm ’06 (anthropology).

Working with Harvard alumni, CES has offered the following undergraduates the opportunity to spend the summer interning in Europe: Sebastian Alsheimer ’06 (history), Lisbet Rausing Charitable Fund, London; Daniel Friedman ’06 (economics and sociology), SCB Partners, London; Naabia Gyasiwa Ofosu-Amaah ’07 (environmental science and public policy), SEE/Frontier, an international conservation and development nongovernmental organization (NGO) in London; Joseph Scott ’05 (environmental science and public policy), Corrour Sporting Estate, Scottish Highlands; Jason Yeo ’07, environmental science and public policy, SEE/Frontier, an international conservation and development NGO in London.

Graduate Summer Travel Grants offer Harvard or Massachusetts Institute of Technology doctoral students in the social sciences, history, or cultural studies the opportunity to conduct preliminary or culminating research for their doctoral dissertation theses. This year’s recipients of CES Graduate Summer Research Travel Grants, funded by the Krupp Foundation, include Andrea Balan (economics), “Economic determinants of elderly suicide in the U.K. and the U.S.”; William Bares (music), “Provincializing America? The case of jazz festivals in Europe”; Lisa Bernasek (social anthropology and Middle Eastern studies), “Creating the Postcolonial Museum: the Maghreb at the Musée du Quai Branly”; Andrea Deeker (Germanic languages and literatures), “Locating the Image: Heiner Müller and the Acoustic”; David Kim (Germanic languages and literatures), “Postcolonial Remembrance after the Holocaust: Writing German Colonial History between 1918 and 2005”; Yevgeniy Kirpichevsky (government), “Ukrainian Intelligence Community: A Case Study for a Rational Choice Theory of Intelligence and Counterintelligence”; Sean McGraw (government), “Civil Society in Ireland: The State Is Back In!”; Lauren Rivera (sociology), “Managing Stigma, Making Nation: The Case of Croatia”; Hanna Shell, (history of science), “Hide and Seek: Camouflage, Animal Skin and the Nature of Modern War, 1880-1945”; Penny Sinanoglou (history), “The Peel Commission Report and Partition in Ireland, India, and Palestine, 1905-1948”; Florian Urban (architecture, MIT), “Transfiguring the Historic City in East Berlin”; Juliet Wagner (history), “The Medical Use of Film and Photography to Document ‘Shell Shock’ during World War I”; and Anya Zilberstein (science, technology, and society), “Planting Improvement: Small Farms and Scientific Agriculture in the British North Atlantic, 1763-1815.”

In addition, an Ariadne Graduate Summer Travel Grant, funded by the consulate general of Greece in Boston on behalf of the government of Greece, has been awarded to Toby Lee (anthropology), “Cinema and the Arts in Social Experience: An Ethnographic Study of the Thessaloniki International Film Festival.”

Dissertation Research Fellowships allow doctoral students to spend up to a year abroad while carrying out the fieldwork for their thesis. The following students have been awarded CES dissertation research fellowships funded by the Krupp Foundation for 2005-06: Melanie Andrian (anthropology and religion), “The Façade of the Veil: Religious Rights and French National Identity”; Lia Brozgal (Romance languages and literature), “Albert Memmi: Toward a Theory of the Francophone Author”; Petra Gelbart (music), “You’ve Got to Be Carefully Taught: Intercultural Music Education in the Czech Republic”; Lilith Mahmud (anthropology), “Seeking Sisterhood: Gender, Power, Secrecy, and the Italian Freemasonry”; Stanislav Markus (government), “Institutional Convergence and Property Rights: Corporate Governance Imitation in Germany and Russia”; Laurie McIntosh (anthropology), “Citizenship-Making and European Expansion: Denaturalizing National Identity in Contemporary Norway and Iceland”; Matthias Röder (music), “The Transformation of a Public Sphere in Music: Berlin Between 1763 and 1815”; Helena Töth (history), “Emigrés: The Experience of Political Exile for Germans and Hungarians, 1849-1875”; Zoua Vang (sociology), “Spatial Assimilation in Ireland and the U.S.: Trends, Causes and Consequences of Residential Immobility and Segregation”; and Gergana Yankova (government), “Media Scandals and Government Popularity: How Democracies Measure Political Responsibility.”

CES also supports doctoral students in the final stages of their graduate career. Two Harvard graduate students have been awarded Dissertation Writing Fellowships funded by the Krupp Foundation for 2005-06. They are Ben Ansell (government), “From the Ballot to the Blackboard? The Political Determinants of Public Investment in Education,” and Hoi-Eun Kim (history), “Physicians on the Move: German Physicians in Meiji Japan and Japanese Medical Students in Imperial Germany.”

For more information about CES programs, visit