Springfest – with umbrellas – comes off without a hitch

While some students were taking a wild ride on the Whirly Bird and others were facing off in gladiatorial bouts, and still others rocked and bopped to the sound of Blanks, they all shared one thing: They were wet. At first, just intermittently wet, then as annual Springfest partied on, pretty darn wet, then in the middle of a set by the punk band Plan B for Type A’s, pretty much soaked as the heavens opened up and blessed the festivities with a deluge. Another thing all the good-sport attendees had in common: a great time. Really. – Alec SolomitaSabrina de Abreu ’06 and Mathieu Desruisseaux ’07 (right) take a spin on the Whirly Bird as the rain begins to fall.Mary Emily Colvin ’05 (center) and Jonathon Bardin ’06, representatives of Currier House, heft the Green Cup, an award presented to the most environmentally friendly dorm, as sweatshirted Tasha Bartch ’05 looks on.