Campus & Community


2 min read

Gill named Red Sox medical director

Thomas J. Gill IV, assistant professor of orthopedic surgery at Harvard Medical School (HMS), was recently named medical director of the Boston Red Sox. Gill, who is also a member of the sports medicine and shoulder services at Massachusetts General Hospital, will coordinate all aspects of the club’s medical operation, including the selection of assistant team physicians and a team of medical consultants.

A graduate of the College and HMS, Gill will also oversee all major league and minor league coverage, and will supervise the Red Sox training staff, and the club’s strength, conditioning, and injury-prevention programs.

Senior awarded SAME scholarship

Harvard senior Yi Liu was recently named the recipient of the 2004 Colonel and Mrs. S.S. Dennis III Scholarship by the New York City post of the Society of American Military Engineers (SAME). In recognition of her hard work and dedication to research, Liu will receive a certificate and a scholarship check for $1,000 at a March ceremony in Pierce Hall.

A 2005 candidate for the B.S. degree in engineering sciences, Liu is conducting research with Robert Howe, Gordon McKay Professor of Engineering, on the material properties of breast tissue using finite-element modeling.

– Compiled by Andrew Brooks