Faculty Council meeting on Feb. 9
At its seventh meeting of the year (Feb. 9) the Faculty Council discussed with Dean Benedict Gross (Harvard College and mathematics) a proposed requirement that all spring term evaluations for the Committee on Undergraduate Education’s Course Evaluation Guide be submitted online. David Heitmeyer, manager of Web and Applications Development, and David Sobel, senior manager of Client and Web Services, demonstrated the evaluation procedure, and Dean Stephanie Kenen and Ms. Deborah Green, both from the Office of Academic Programs were also present to answer questions. Deans Kirby and Gross discussed the spring term schedule for the Harvard College Curricular Review, and Professors Stuart Shieber (Division of Engineering and Applied Sciences) and Everett Mendelsohn (History of Science) introduced discussions of the length, frequency, and conduct of Faculty Meetings.
The Council next meets on Feb. 23.