Dingman, Herschbach take on new College roles
Gross moves forward with plans to strengthen administration to reach goals

Leverett Professor of Mathematics and Harvard College Dean Benedict H. Gross has announced the appointment of Thomas A. Dingman ’67, GSE ’73, to the position of dean of freshmen, and Georgene Herschbach as the new associate dean of Undergraduate Academic Programs. Further, Gross said that searches for two new positions, one for academic advising, the other in residential life, will begin soon.

“I am delighted that Tom and Georgene will assume these very important positions in the College. Each has served the University and the College for many, many years. Not only are they ideal for the positions they will assume, they know the institution, staff, and students very well,” Gross said. “I am also pleased because Tom and Georgene will continue to play vital roles here as we move forward with our plans to build an administrative team that will help us reach our goals in the College,” he added.
One new position in this new administrative team is the associate dean of academic advising. Gross said this position results from a recommendation of the 2004 Interim Report of the Curricular Review, as well as consultations with the Faculty of Arts and Sciences (FAS) Committee on Advising and Counseling. The associate dean for academic advising will coordinate, manage, and monitor the academic advising for all undergraduates.
The second new position will be dean of residential life. Gross said the person in this role will be responsible for ensuring that the College provides an outstanding and seamless residential experience for all undergraduates. The dean of residential life will “work directly with House masters, the dean of freshmen, and the resident deans to ensure that all dorms and Houses offer students services of consistently high quality,” Gross said.
Dingman, currently associate dean of residential life, and senior tutor of Dudley House, has worked in admissions, and has served as the senior tutor in Leverett House, as a freshman proctor, and as a nonresident adviser. He has also coordinated disability services, directed the parents’ association, and taught in secondary schools. In addition, he has served on the FAS Standing Committee on Athletics, the FAS Standing Committee on Advising and Counseling, the College Crisis Response Team, the Student Health Coordinating Board, the Arts First Planning Committee, and the Administrative Board. He has had extensive experience working with students during transitions, and working with international students and students of color. He was recently awarded the FAS Administrative Prize. Dingman will assume his new role on July 1.
Herschbach moved from her administration and finance role to Undergraduate Academic Programs on Jan. 10. Herschbach, who earned her Ph.D. in chemistry from Harvard, has more than 20 years of administrative experience in Harvard College. In addition to her current leadership position and eight years of service as the FAS registrar, Herschbach has served as an assistant dean and director of Special Programs responsible for Advanced Standing, Special Concentrations, Transfer and Visiting Student Programs, and as the co-master of Currier House.
Herschbach chaired the Classroom Committee during its first five years, and has also served on the Educational Policy Committee, the Committee on Undergraduate Education, the Administrative Board, and the Board of Directors of Let’s Go Inc., a student-run enterprise that publishes a travel guide series including 47 titles. Last year, she served on the Curricular Review Working Group on Overall Academic Experience, chaired the subgroup on International Experience, and was the winner of the FAS Administrative Prize.
Gross said a search will be conducted to fill the associate dean of administration and finance position.