FAS opens two service centers for faculty
The Faculty of Arts and Sciences (FAS) has opened two Humanities Faculty Services (HFS) centers to assist scholars in the humanities with routine tasks such as photocopying, obtaining and returning library books, mailing packages, shredding documents, and preparing letters of reference. The centers are located on the mezzanine level of Boylston Hall, open 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., and in Room 119 of the Barker Center, open 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.
The HFS centers are funded by the offices of President Lawrence H. Summers and William C. Kirby, FAS dean and Edith and Benjamin Geisinger Professor of History, and all services except postage will be provided free of charge. Professors, associate professors, and assistant professors may use the centers; a user ID number, obtainable from HFS, is required.
HFS centers will provide emergency, backup, or overflow photocopying services for humanities faculty. Materials to be copied may be delivered in person or sent via a network developed for HFS use. A document shredder is also located at the Barker Center HFS location; documents to be destroyed may be dropped off or retrieved from faculty offices.
To assist with letters of reference, HFS provides a secure address to which faculty may send letters and the addresses to which letters should be sent. Letters will be addressed, printed on letterhead, and returned for faculty signature.
HFS centers will provide several types of courier service for humanities faculty. HFS couriers will be available to carry parcels weighing 1 pound or more to a post office for shipment. Couriers can also return library books from faculty offices to the appropriate Harvard College library; HFS will also perform checkout service from Widener Library for faculty members.
For more information, contact one of the HFS centers at (617) 495-0340 or 495-0510 or by e-mail at hfs@fas.harvard.edu.