Pollock explores ‘colormuteness’ in today’s American education

When it comes to people, programs, and policies in education, Mica Pollock thinks we should talk about race more.
And sometimes less.
But mostly, Pollock, assistant professor of education at the Harvard Graduate School of Education (GSE), believes Americans need to learn to talk about racial issues in education better than we do.
“I’m not arguing that people need to run out and talk about race more, more, more,” says Pollock, the author of “Colormute: Race Talk Dilemmas in an American School” (Princeton University Press, 2004). “Let’s try and talk more skillfully about race in education.”
For full Gazette story, see http://www.news-harvard.go-vip.net/gazette/gazette/2004/08.26/16-colormute.html.