Phi Beta Kappa elects 24 juniors
Twenty-four juniors from the Class of 2005 were recently elected to the Harvard College chapter of Phi Beta Kappa, Alpha Iota of Massachusetts. The students were formally inducted into the chapter at a May ceremony and dinner.
The following juniors, including their concentrations and Houses, were inducted:
Benjamin Thomas Bakker, math and physics, Eliot; David Hayden Camden, classics, Leverett; Gabriel Drew Carroll, math and linguistics, Leverett; John Hammond Chaffetz, history, Pforzheimer; Simon Eunchun Chin, English, Pforzheimer; Nathaniel Jay Craig, physics, Lowell; James Andrew Watson David, economics, Dunster; David Jerome Hiniker, computer science, Adams; Joseph Sang-Seok Hong, economics, Cabot; Daniel Jacob Irom, economics, Eliot; John Kwang Lai, computer science, Lowell; Jonathan Chit Sing Leong, biology and math, Winthrop; Zachary Daniel Liscow, environmental science and public policy, and economics, Dunster; Julia Porter Robinson Mansfield, classical archaeology, Cabot; Sameer Narang, applied mathematics, Winthrop; Kazi Sabeel Al-Jalal Rahman, social studies, Dunster; Joshua Isaac Rosenbloom, history of science, Lowell; Abdur Rasheed Sabar, literature, Adams; Stephanie Lee Safdi, history and literature, Lowell; Brad Michael Smith, government, Leverett; Kevin Michael Weil, physics, Currier; Jonathan Alan Weiss, psychology, Leverett; Rebecca Elizabeth Wexler, women’s studies, Lowell; and Thomas Patrick Wolf, history, Pforzheimer.