Zelen Award committee names winner, seeks nominations
The Department of Biostatistics at the Harvard School of Public Health named Wayne A. Fuller, professor in liberal arts and sciences at Iowa State University, the recipient of the 2003 Marvin Zelen Leadership Award in Statistical Science. Fuller delivered a lecture at Harvard titled “Analytic Studies with Complex Survey Data” this past May.
The annual award, which recognizes an individual in government, industry, or academia who has greatly influenced the theory and practice of statistical science, was established to honor the long and distinguished career of Zelen, Harvard professor of statistical science in the faculty of public health.
Nominations for next year’s award, to be given in May 2004, should be sent to the Marvin Zelen Leadership Award Committee, Department of Biostatistics, Harvard School of Public Health, 655 Huntington Ave., Boston, MA 02115. While individual accomplishments are considered, the most distinguishing criterion is the candidate’s contribution to the creation of an environment in which statistical science and its applications have flourished. Nominations should include a letter describing the contributions of the candidate, specifically highlighting the criteria for the award, and a curriculum vita. Supporting letters and materials would be extremely helpful to the committee. All nominations must be received by Dec. 1.