Faculty Council notice Sept.17
The Faculty Council of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences at its first meeting of the year Wednesday (Sept. 17) heard several reports on developments since the council adjourned in May. Dean William C. Kirby (FAS and history) spoke on the year ahead. He also briefed council members on new appointments to tenure, on new administrative appointments, and on the work of the council itself. Additionally, the dean discussed the work of the Ad Hoc Committee to Review the Appointments Process, which is expected to report this term. In further business, the council heard a report from the Dean of Harvard College Benedict H. Gross (mathematics) on the reorganization of Harvard College, and on the recently announced plans to consider additional uses of the Hilles Library building. Deans Fisher (Faculty Development) and Tompkins (Academic Affairs) reported on recent efforts in faculty recruitment The council will next meet on Oct. 1. The preliminary docket deadline for the Oct. 21 Faculty Meeting is Oct. 6 at 9:30 a.m.