CES announces student grants and fellowships for 2003-04:
Center will support research projects of 36 undergraduate and graduate students
The Minda de Gunzburg Center for European Studies (CES) has announced its student grants and fellowships for the 2003-04 academic year. The center will support the research projects of 36 undergraduate and graduate students with awards that total more than $350,000.
CES has made a commitment to increase the resources available to undergraduates interested in the study of modern Europe, and over the course of the past year has initiated several new programs and opportunities for the undergraduate community, including workshops and panels on how to select a thesis topic, how to write a grant proposal, and how to conduct research abroad.
This year, 19 Harvard College students have been awarded summer travel grants to conduct research for their senior theses, funded by a generous grant from the Krupp Foundation:
Gero Feaman (history), “An investigation into the political activism of Jozsef Cardinal Mindszenty during the rise of the Hungarian Communist Party, 1945-1949.”
Cory Ip (social studies), “The evolving concept of German national identity: The 1999 reform of nationality law.”
Blake Jennelle (social studies), “The Divergence in Press Coverage of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict: The Guardian and The Times versus The New York Times and Washington Post.”
Martin Kanz (economics), “The Political Economy of Immigration: Explaining Differences in European and American Immigration Policy.”
Sheila Lopez (history), “Creating Historical Memory? The Role of Print Media and Literature in the Spanish-American War.”
Jane Lynch (social studies), “E.U. Accession: What was the nature of the E.U. demands in the negotiations conducted in Copenhagen and what do the outcomes of the negotiations imply?”
Michal Miaskiewicz (government), “The relationship between two of the E.U.’s oft-forgotten actors: The European Parliament and the High Representative for Common Foreign and Security Policy.”
Stephen Milder (social studies), “Why are Red issues so important in the politics of the German Greens?”
Nathan Perl-Rosenthal (history), “The Voyage of the Boston: American Sailors in the Coming of the French Revolution.”
Christopher Phillips (history of science), “De Morgan, Frend, and the Intersection of Mathematics, Culture, and Religion.”
Lara Setrakian (government), “Europe, Latin America, and Tobacco’s Two-Headed Colossus.”
Ari Shaw (government), “The Pinochet Case: a unique window into the convergence of domestic and international NGOs, interstate organizations and national courts to uphold international human rights reforms.”
Jennifer Shaw (history of science), “Cesare Lombroso (founder of modern criminology): How his ‘Biology of the Criminal’ is reflected in the political and social conditions of late 19th century Italy.”
Katherine Stirling (history and literature), “The connections between 19th Century British literature and art and the interwar French avant-gardes.”
Natalia Truszkowska (literature and women’s studies), “Women and the Negotiation of Ethnic Identity after Socialism: A Literary, Historical, and Anthropological Investigation of Poland, Slovakia, and Ukraine, concentrating on the Rusyn ethnic group.”
Kristina Vetter (social studies), “Do European Students Feel ‘European?’ The ERASMUS program and its effects.”
Scott Wilson (social studies), “French and American Art Museums and the move toward privatization among the former.”
Simeon Zahl (history and literature of Germany), “What connection exists between the war-theology developed by German theologians during WWI and the war-theologies developed during the Third Reich by the ‘German-Christian’ movement?”
Mary Ziegler (French and English), “The History of Gender Construction in Education Through Examination of Pedagogical Texts.”
Graduate Summer Travel Grants offer doctoral students from Harvard or the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (M.I.T.) in the social sciences, history, or cultural studies the opportunity to conduct preliminary or culminating research for their doctoral dissertation theses. This year’s recipients of CES Graduate Summer Research Travel Grants are:
Marcos Ancelovici (political science, M.I.T.), “Politics after Class: Globalization, Contention, and Political Change in France.”
Laura Beers (history), “The impact of the British government’s changing attitudes toward publicity and propaganda in the interwar period on World War II policy.”
Marius Hentea (government), “America and the World: International Law and Foreign Policy.”
Kris Manjapra (history), “The Distant Other: German Fascination with India from the Gründszeit to Weimar.”
John Ondrovcik (history), “The Evolution of Public Violence in Rural Germany and Russia, 1918-1923.”
Maria-Margarita Vicedo-Castello (history of science), “Human Nature and Mother Love: A History of the Maternal Instinct.”
Dissertation Research Fellowships allow doctoral students to spend up to a year abroad while carrying out the fieldwork for their theses. The following students have been awarded yearlong CES research fellowships funded by the Krupp Foundation:
Fiona Barker (government), “Managing multiple minorities: negotiating immigrant integration into diverse societies.”
Lisa Bernasek (anthropology), “Creating the Postcolonial Museum: An anthropological study of the Musée du Quai Branly.”
Zoe Lang (music), “‘Light’ Music and Austrian Identity: The Strauss family legacy 1918-1935.”
Katerina Linos (government), “Social policy diffusion across OECD member states.”
Ana Miljacki (architecture and urban planning), “Techniques of the mass subject: Modernization and the postmodern logic of the 1960s urban discourse in the Second World.”
Mikhail Pryadilnikov (government), “State-Building in Post-Communist Europe.”
Saipin Suputtamongkol (anthropology), “Technicians of the Soul: The Rediscovery and Reconstitution of Subjectivities.”
Sarah Wagner (anthropology), “The Odyssey of Displacement: Experiencing Return and Reconstruction in Bosnia-Herzegovina.”
Ali Yaycioglu (history), “The Danubian Challenge: Crisis and Regionalism in Ottoman Europe, 1792-1812.”
CES also supports doctoral students in the final stages of their graduate career. Two Harvard graduate students have been awarded Dissertation Writing Fellowships for 2003-04:
Harumi Furuya (government), “Frame Politics: Explaining Critical Junctures in Immigration Policies of Germany, Sweden, and France, 1973-2003.”
Yuson Jung (anthropology), “Consumer Lament: consumption, grumbles and normality of everyday life in post-socialist Bulgaria.”