Campus & Community

Much ado about much ado

1 min read
Actors in 'The Princess and the
Actors in ‘The Princess and the Pea’ Clint Froehlich ’05 (from left), Tom Odell ’04-’05, and Michelle Chaney ’05 perform.
Members of H-R Ballet
Members of H-R Ballet Company Molly Faulker-Bond ’06 (clockwise from bottom center), Lexy Bernstein ’05, Anna Weiss ’03, and Christina Shelby ’04, dance.
Children watching 'Much Ado About
Above, watching ‘Much Ado About Nothing’ at the Memorial Church are Patrick Chanthanaluck (from left), Nanrawee Kitiarsa, and Tantham Kitiarsa. Below, c ’03 readies herself for her performance.

It’s here again, and it is SO welcome after a winter when at times even the arts seemed to be sleeping. Well, they woke with a banner and a flourish. The banner hung behind a series of class acts on the Holyoke Center stage, including tuneful troubadours and academic a cappella singers. The flourishes were everywhere, from the leaps of ballet dancers at Lowell House to the mischievous machinations of jesters on the steps of the Memorial Church in ‘Much Ado About Nothing’ to the fabulous fable of the princess and the pea. Final Score: Arts First, Second, Third. Anna K. Weiss