Memorial services
Robert Dorfman
A memorial service for Robert Dorfman, David A. Wells Professor of Political Economy Emeritus, will be held at the Memorial Church on Oct. 9 at 2 p.m. The service will be followed by a reception in the Reading Room of the Faculty Club.
John Monro
A memorial service for John Monro, former dean of Harvard College, will be held at the Memorial Church on Sunday (Oct. 6) at 3 p.m. Monro, whose long career as an administrator and teacher was dedicated to bringing higher education within the reach of poor and minority students, died March 29 at the age of 89.
Felix M.H. Villars
A memorial celebration and reception for Felix M.H. Villars, Massachusetts Institute of Technology professor emeritus, and one of the key players in the development of the Harvard-M.I.T Division of Health Sciences and Technology, will be held on Friday (Oct. 4) at 4 p.m. at the M.I.T Faculty Club.