Seniors elected to Phi Beta Kappa
The following are the graduating seniors elected to Phi Beta Kappa:
Miriam Rachel Asnes, anthropology, Leverett
Laura Marie Bacon, psychology, Leverett
Wenya Linda Bi, biology, Quincy
Benton Brooks Bodamer, anthropology, Lowell
Georg Alexander Bongartz, economics, Lowell
Andrew David Bradt, social studies, Winthrop
Alexis George Burgess, philosophy, Dudley
Daniel Patrick Butter, chemistry and physics, Eliot
Natalie Michelle Carnes, comparative study of religion, Eliot
Kathy Chang, biochemical sciences, Quincy
Avik Chatterjee, biochemical sciences, Adams
Han-Chiao Isaac Chen, biochemical sciences, Lowell
Eun Young Choi, economics, Mather
Peter Jinwu Chung, anthropology, Cabot
Marianne Elisabeth Cook, psychology, Eliot
Benjamin Arthur Cowan, history and literature, Eliot
Elizabeth Napier Dewar, history and literature, Adams
Kelly Maureen Doran, sociology, Pforzheimer
Ross Gregory Douthat, history and literature, Quincy
Julia Claire Drisdell, sociology, Lowell
Trevor Davis Dryer, history and literature, Adams
David Cody Dydek, near-Eastern languages and civilizations, Leverett
Jonathan David Eddy, computer science, Kirkland
Andrew Geffen Eil, history and literature, Lowell
Michael Larren Faye, classics, Quincy
Matthew Paul Feldmann, economics, Adams
Jeffrey Peter Filippini, chemistry and physics, Quincy
Susanna Mary Flug, social studies, Currier
John Michael Gansner, biochemical sciences, Winthrop
Mary Katherine Gardner
history, Kirkland
Dana Alice Gavrieli, psychology, Currier
Alexander Michael Gelber, economics, Pforzheimer
William James Greenleaf, physics, Mather
Katie Marie Heikkinen, psychology, Mather
Claire Elliott Herrick, history and science, Quincy
John Andrew Higgins, earth and planetary sciences, Pforzheimer
Eva Carey Holtz, linguistics, Pforzheimer
Lindsay Pendleton Jones, English and American literature and language, Lowell
William K. Josephson, mathematics, Pforzheimer
Allon Shmuel Kedem, social studies, Kirkland
Brendan Joseph Kelly, history and science, Cabot
Sarah Elana Kerman, literature, Kirkland
Bryan Tacsu Kim, computer science, Pforzheimer
Richard Daniel Kim, computer science, Cabot
Laura Pearl Kathryn Knoll, history, Lowell
Samuel Arthur Kruger, applied mathematics, Dunster
Martin Alexander Kurzweil, social studies, Adams
Brian Samuel Levine, government, Cabot
Nancy Liao, government, Adams
Shiou-Huei Liu, psychology, Currier
Kathy Wei-Ya Lu, East Asian studies, Lowell
Shakhi Majumdar, economics, Cabot
Kalina Bojidarova Manova, economics, Adams
Bryant Gregory Mathews, mathematics, Currier
Gregor Matvos, economics, Pforzheimer
Craig Douglas May, engineering sciences, Dunster
Melissa Rose Moschella, social studies, Currier
Soma Mukherjee, economics, Winthrop
Alexander Patrick Nyren, applied mathematics, Mather
Andrew Park, economics, Pforzheimer
Robert Roger Porter, government, Adams
Julie Louise Rattey, English and American literature and language, Quincy
Shruti Ravikumar, history and science, Lowell
Matthew Azriel Rojansky, history, Eliot
Matthew Steven Rosenberg, economics, Leverett
Andrew Jacob Rosenfeld, psychology, Quincy
Timothy Kirk Ruttan, government, Currier
Emma Carin Samelson-Jones, chemistry and physics, Quincy
Dana Michel Scardigli, anthropology, Mather
Eve Anne Schaeffer, special concentration, Kirkland
Abby Lynn Schlatter, history and literature, Currier
Jillian Rae Shulman, East Asian studies, Cabot
Robert Kenneth Silverman, history, Winthrop
Jared Russell Small, history, Mather
David Soloveichik, computer science, Adams
Moshe Yitzchak Spinowitz, history, Leverett
Jessica Lynn Strott, government, Dunster
Matthew Elias Swanson, sociology and economics, Winthrop
Viviany Rodrigues Taqueti, biochemical sciences, Kirkland
Bridget Eileen Tenner, mathematics, Quincy
Elizabeth Chika Tippett, social studies, Currier
Ian Alan Tomb, psychology, Currier
John Chia-An Tsou, biochemical sciences, Adams
Abigail Tucker, English and American literature and language, Winthrop
Michael Patrick Tully, economics, Lowell
William Joshua Wailand, environmental science and public policy, Cabot
Ting Wang, government, Cabot
Michael Steven Weidman, physics, Adams
Aryeh Weinstein, philosophy, Currier
Leah Jane Whittington, Classics, Cabot
Kevin Glen Williams, psychology, Currier
Junwei Wu, economics, Leverett
Steven Chiajon Wu, social studies, Quincy
Allen Teba Yancy, history, Quincy
Soojin Yim, economics, Currier
Jesse George Zalatan, biochemical science, Quincy.